PSY 358 GCU Successful Aging Survey and Research Question

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PSY 358

Grand Canyon University



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PSY-358 Developmental Forces and Successful Aging Topic 1 – Development Forces and Successful Aging Survey and Research Scoring Guide Grading category Biopsychosocial Forces Points ___/15 Adequately explained all four developmental forces, explained how each is shaped and included specific examples for all. Successful Aging ____/15 Provided a thorough overview of successful aging and the best method for studying aging. Connection with Research ____/15 Paper included a clear connection between responses and academic research for all behaviors, including strengths and weaknesses for each. Summary of current research on aging adult population, includes theoretical perspectives and how they, do or do not align with theory claims. Academic Writing All writing is academic in nature (e.g. organization, grammar, punctuation). APA In-text citations are used properly and formatted in APA style Reference list included/APA style Total ©2017. Grand Canyon University. ___/10 ____/5 ____/60 PSY-358 – Adult Development and Aging Topic 1 – Development Forces and Successful Aging Survey and Research Directions: In 250-500 words, answer the following questions regarding life-span perspectives and successful aging. You must use three resources; your textbook can be counted as one. Include in-text citations in your responses, with proper APA formatted reference list at the end of the questions. 1. Discuss the major developmental forces (biological, psychological, sociocultural, and life cycle) that influence emerging, middle and late adulthood. Share specific examples for each force, being sure to connect your thoughts directly to research. 2. Describe the current research methods for studying adult aging. Discuss the main approaches for measuring behavior, including strengths and weaknesses for each. 3. Provide a summary of a current research study (within the last 5 years) on the aging adult population and choose a theoretical perspective to explain why the research aligns (or doesn’t) with what the theory claims. What may be some reasons for this? References:
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Answer outline to Adult Development and Aging discussion questions

● Question 1
● Question 2
● Question 3
● References

Adult Development and Aging,
Topic 1 – Development Forces and Successful Aging Survey and Research
Question 1

There are four forces of developmental forces that is sociocultural, biological, life cycle, and
psychological. As Arking (2019) notes biological forces are the physiological developments that
lead to maturity and they include elements such as hormones, genes, and more. The biological
forces are concerned with how the body develops and even after puberty they continue to
influence development. For instance, nutrition impacts development. Let’s say one starts from a
very young age to take fast food as a source of energy and their body feels satisfied and so they
decide to stick to this plan. Over time the body begins to breakdown and the body cells need
more energy than is offered and this is basically starving one’s body.
Psychological forces of development are the gro,up of emotion, thoughts, and behavioral
developments that lead to maturity. For ins...

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