University of the District of Columbia Analysis of Critical Thinking Report

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University of the District of Columbia


Now that you know all about Critical Thinking, let's assess just how much of a critical thinker you are!

Using this Critical Assessment Test, assess your ability to think critically and analytically. Once complete, it will show you in what percentile you fall as it relates to critical thinking. Do you agree with your score? Why or why not?

Next, watch the following video and briefly answer this: can someone be taught to be a critical thinker? Why or why not? Provide a few examples and resources to support your answer!

Final Project - Remember you will build your final paper/project over the course of these 5 weeks and you are being asked to demonstrate your critical thinking skills! To do that, find the peer-reviewed journal article that you want to explore (to make it interesting/fun, explore a topic that is relevant to your field). This week, share the title and citation of your chosen article along with answering the following questions: (1) What is the main issue or problem the author is focusing on in this article?; (2) What is the main purpose of the article?; and (3) What information is being used by the author and what is its relationship to the main issue?. Keep in mind, it's less about critiquing the content of the article, and more about demonstrating your ability to think critically!

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Analysis of Critical Thinking

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From the critical assessment test, I was able to garner a percentile position of 90%. I
agree with the percentile position. From the five questions provided, I critically conceptualized
each point, analyzed all the remaining options, and later evaluated the options and came up with
the best among them. From the test, I am also confident with the scores since the speed I used
was 100% with an accuracy of 80%.
Ability to think critically
Concerning the ability to think critically, Konnikova explains that indeed one can be
taught to think critically. From the stated facts by Konnikova, I, therefore, believe that one can
be taught to think critically. In the video, Konnikova takes the audience through the science of
reasoning, creativity, and memory by using Sherlock Holmes to give life to the ideas. Through
the process, she shows the audience how they can master their mind. She provides proven
practices that aid the audience to free themselves from habitual distractions and unconscious
biases. In the video, Konnikova states that when one is faced with a specific issue, the first step
the person must tend to do is to formulate and define the issue in their mind in details and
afterward generate a hypothesis point which involves critically and specifically evaluating
possible causes of events step by step. When people follow these steps, they can therefore be
able to think critically. Konnikova uses the Holmes metaphor to show the audience how
information is stored and analyzed in the brain. Another crucial point is that Konnikova reveals
how a detective with keen eyes can transform into an upgraded mind. Through the guide, the
audience can be able to use the guide to upgrade their mind. Afterward, she takes us through how
mental strategies can be unpacked, which results in a person having deeper insights and thinking
clearly. In this case, Konnikova, therefore, teaches the audience how to think critically.



Main Issue
In the video presentation, Konnikova focuses on critical thinking, whereby insights are on
three significant areas: deep observation, mindfulness, and Sherlock Holmes as the reference
since he is a renowned fictional character who had the power of observation and thoughts.
Konnikova uses Sherlock Holmes to elaborate to the viewers that Holmes's gift i...

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