University of California Los Angeles Base & Acid Catalysis Solutions Questions

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University Of California Los Angeles


Please help with biochem questions for enzyme kinetics and mechanisms

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Explanation & Answer

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Q1) (a) Enzyme exhibits Acid catalysis and also Base catalysis.

b) This is because enzyme acted as acid (AA119) by donating H+ to substate and at same enzyme
acted as base (AA12) by abstracting H+.

c) Given pH = 7 . Given 80 % is protonated form or acidic form. This means 20 % is deprotonated
form. We use Henderson eq
pH = pka + log [deprotonated form] / [protonated form]
7 = pka + log (20/80)
7 = pka -0.6
Thus we get pka = 7.6

d) Enzyme would be most active at pH = 7 . This is because enzyme has both acidic and basic groups
present. At high pH of 9 we will have acidic group of enzyme in deprotonated form. This makes
acidic group (AA119) part inactive. Thus at pH =7 where both acidi...

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