PSY 250 University of Phoenix Wk 5 Maslows Hierarchy Presentation

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PSY 250

University of Phoenix



Assignment Content

  1. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory in an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation. Include the following in your presentation:
    • An introduction to the theory
    • A description of the needs at each level
    • What is required to satisfy each level of need
    • Ways that an employer could meet each level of need to help an employee become self-actualized (For example, to address the physiological need of hunger, an employer can provide a way for the employee to earn money to purchase food.)
    • An explanation of how you could use Maslow’s theory to help you identify your own needs and set goals to meet them
    • An explanation of the humanistic perspective of personality development
    • A concluding slide
    • A list of resources referenced in the presentation, cited in APA format
    • Speaker notes with details

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Explanation & Answer

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 American psychologist and philosopher, Abraham Harold
Maslow, in1943 developed a psychological concept on
the human needs in his publication, "A theory of Human
Motivation“ (Carducci, 2020).
 He described a hierarchy consists of 5 levels of needs
❖ Physiological needs.
❖ Need for safety.
❖ Belonging and love.
❖ Self-esteem.

❖ Self-actualization

Physiological Needs
 The lowest two needs are essential for
 He describes phsyiological needs as very
essential, ubiquitous and are necessary for

 These needs consist food, water, air, shelter,
clothes, health, sleep, warmth, sex and
 Failure to meet these needs will lead to
health problems and even death.

Safety Needs
 Thes...

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