COM 520 UON Summary System Security Management Summart Report Paper

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COM 520

University of Nairobi



For the written assignment, you do not have to write a procesure. Just create a summary report.

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COM-520 Written Assignment 5 Project Scenario Always Fresh Foods Inc. is a food distributor with a central headquarters and main warehouse in Colorado, as well as two regional warehouses in Nevada and Virginia. The company runs Microsoft Windows 2019 on its servers and Microsoft Windows 10 on its workstations. There are 2 database servers, 4 application servers, 2 web servers, and 25 workstation computers in the headquarters offices and main warehouse. The network uses workgroups, and users are created locally on each computer. Employees from the regional warehouses connect to the Colorado network via a virtual private network (VPN) connection. Due to a recent security breach, Always Fresh wants to increase the overall security of its network and systems. They have chosen to use a solid multilayered defense to reduce the likelihood that an attacker will successfully compromise the company’s information security. Multiple layers of defense throughout the IT infrastructure makes the process of compromising any protected resource or data more difficult than any single security control. In this way, Always Fresh protects its business by protecting its information. Project Part 5: Network Security Controls Recommendations Due to the Always Fresh expansion, management wants additional network controls to protect their growing network. Tasks Consider the Windows servers and workstations in the domains of a typical IT infrastructure. Based on your understanding of network security controls, recommend at least four possible controls that will enhance the network’s security. Focus on ensuring that controls satisfy the defense in depth approach to security. Summarize your network security controls in a summary report to management. You must provide rationale for your choices by explaining how each control makes the environment more secure. Required Resources  Internet access  Course textbook Submission Requirements     Format: Microsoft Word (no PDF) Font: Arial, size 12, double-space Citation Style: APA format Length: 1 to 2 pages Self-Assessment Checklist  I selected appropriate network security controls for the Always Fresh network environment.  I created a well-developed and formatted procedure guide with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  I followed the submission guidelines.
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Always Fresh Network Security Control(s)
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Always Fresh Network Security Control(s)
Technology has become the way of life regarding making things efficient either at a
personal level or in the business world. Information technology has brought in new
communication and data management technologies that seek to improve service delivery. The
Fresh firm has also deployed IT infrastructure, application software, servers, workstations, and
virtual private networks to enhance its running and management of information assets. The
firm’s expansion has seen the need to deploy more additional network security controls to protect
its network and information assets. A case in point expounds on recommendable network
security protocols for Always Fresh firm in the quest to improve information and ne...

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