CMU What Type of Hormone Is Oxytocin Describe Its Characteristics Questions

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Central Michigan University


Answer the following question below, It's honestly very simple and straightforward.

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A woman is in labor and her care provider administers an injection of the naturally-occurring hormone oxytocin to induce contractions.

  1. What type of hormone is oxytocin? Describe some characteristics of these hormones.
  2. Will oxytocin travel in the bloodstream freely, or must they be bound to another molecule? How does it interact with and cause an effect with the target cell? (give details.)
  3. Describe the type of feedback loop that oxytocin works in. What are other examples of processes in the human body that are controlled by this type of feedback loop?

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Explanation & Answer

Sending the answer now buddy.Please go through it and tell me if you need any changes made and I will make them ASAP.Thank you and have a nice time.

A woman is in labor and her care provider administers an injection of the naturallyoccurring hormone oxytocin to induce contractions.

1. What type of hormone is oxytocin? Describe some characteristics of these hormones.

Oxytocin is a peptide hormone, meaning that the hormone is made up of short amino acid chains.
Its major functions are to stimulate womb contraction during birth and milk let down during

Examples of peptide hormones include; Insulin, Prolactin, growth hormone, calcitonin and

Some characteristics of peptide hormones include;

They are secreted in pulsatile patterns and rhythms that are associated with the respective
feedback mechanisms of the hormones. This prevents the availability of the hormone in excess

Majority of the peptide hormones are soluble in water and thus carrier proteins ar...

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