American High School Constitutional Ammendments Essay

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american high school


Write an Essay on the first 10 constitutional amendments. your essay must include the following for each amendment 1. explain each individual amendments and the liberties they grant 2. the year it was ratified amd reason why. 3. conclude your essay with your opinion on which of the 10 amendments you feel is most important and give your reasons why you think so.

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Explanation & Answer

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The First 10 Constitutional Amendments
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The First 10 Constitutional Amendments
Congress proposed the first 10 Amendments in 1889. The diverse amendments are used
to guide the citizens of the United States on their individual rights. Thus, they were founded to
secure the individual rights of American citizens. The first 10 constitution amendments were
later known as the Bill of Rights. The ratification of all the first ten amendments occurred in
Amendment 1
The First Amendment focuses on religion, press, and speech. The amendment grants
American citizens the right to practice the religion they want. Also, there are no restrictions on
the exercise of freedom of speech and the right to assemble to address their grievances (Library
of Congress, n.d.). The amendment was created in 1791 to ensure that the government did not
favor any religion or restricted people from voicing their complaints.
Amendment 2
The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791 to focus on the issue of arms in the country.
The primary objective of the amendment was to provide American Citizens with the right and
freedom to keep arms. The amendment required that people enjoyed the freedom of protecting
themselves by bearing arms.
Amendment 3
The Third Amendment was enacted to focus on the issue of the quartering of troops. It
grants American citizens the right and freedom to refuse soldiers to use their private homes for
military purposes. Although the government might ask people to use their homes; citizens have
the power to refuse (Library of Congress, n.d.). Thus, the consent of a home’s owner determines
whether a soldier can be quartered in their homes.



Amendment 4
The Fourth Amendment was ratified to focus on search and seizure among citizens. The
amendment grants the right to refuse unreasonable searches and seizures. The ratification of the
amendment in 1791 occurred to prevent law enforcement officers from engaging in unreasonable
searches (American Civil Liberties Union, 2021). The amendment requires that private property,
homes, and citizens remain secure and safe.
Amendment 5
The Fifth Amendment focuses on the protection of individuals who have been accused of
crimes. The liberties that the amendment offers to citizens are the presentation of serious crimes
to the grand jury. A citizen is not supposed to be held fo...

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