the claimant providing positive evidence, English homework help

User Generated




Using the 10 questions below visit the following (you should have a total of 42 answers

1-10) Visit and answer them honestly.

11-20) Visit and answer them honestly

21-30) Visit and answer them honestly about each site.

31-40) Visit and answer them honestly.

41) Based upon these websites, what would a prevailing critical thinker ?

42) Why? What evidence?

  • Attached Files:
  • Week 1 - Quiz 1 10 questions for detection of baloney.docx(13.8kb)
    1. How reliable is the source of the claim?
    2. Does the source make similar claims?
    3. Have the claims been verified by somebody else?
    4. Does this fit with the way the world works?
    5. Has anyone tried to disprove the claim?
    6. Where does the preponderance of evidence point?
    7. Is the claimant playing by the rules of science?
    8. Is the claimant providing positive evidence?
    9. Does the new theory account for as many phenomena as the old theory?
    10. Are personal beliefs driving the claim?

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