NUR 400 DSN How Reliability and Validity Related to A Sampling Plan Discussion

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NUR 400

Denver School of Nursing



NUR400 Discussion Post:

Step 1 Explain how reliability and validity related to your sampling plan ( and accessible population) and therefore generalizability of findings.

Step 2 Read and respond to two other students' posts.

Read other students' posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it's relevant, to support or debate other students' posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Cite any sources in APA 7th edition format.

NUR400 Student Posts:

Student #1:Reliability of data is based off of consistency in repeated trials, whereas validity is how much the method actually accurately measures what it is supposed to (Ferrell, 2020).

My PICOT question is as follows: "Would lowering nurse-to-patient ratios in medical-surgical units from their current ratios increase the retention of new graduate nurses in their first two years?"

My accessible population is nurses working on medical-surgical units. For my data to be reliable, it would have to consistently show that lower nurse-to-patient ratios affects the retention of new grads, no matter what hospital I go to. For my data to be valid, it would have to show that the retention was actually related to the nurse-to-patient ratios and not other outside factors. This is why things like RCTs, random sampling, sample size, and other aspects of statistics are important. If the design of the research is flawed, then the data will fail to be reliable and valid and will be useless.

NUR370 Discussion Post:

Step 1 Research health concerns for a population of your choice.
Use the Center for Disease Control to guide your research.

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board. In your response, address the following prompts:

  • Describe one health concern and one health statistic of this population.
  • Discuss one cultural aspect of this culture.
  • Discuss the potential nursing role in the implementation of a recommended culturally sensitive intervention.

Step 3 Read other students' posts and respond to at least two of them.

In your responses, compare and contrast the nursing role of your cultures/populations with that of your peers.

Use your personal experience, if it's relevant, to support or debate other students' posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA 7th edition format.

NUR370 Student Posts:

Student #1: The population I choose this week is African American and the health care concern is Diabetes. The diabetes epidemic continues to grow at an alarming rate. Every 17 seconds, someone in the United States is diagnosed with diabetes (Chow, Foster, Gonzalez, & McIver, 2012). Every day, 230 Americans with diabetes will undergo an amputation, and 120 will develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (Chow, Foster, Gonzalez, & McIver, 2012). In addition, about 45% of people with diabetes have some stage of diabetic retinopathy (Chow, Foster, Gonzalez, & McIver, 2012). Studies show 4.9 million African American adults, or 18.7% of all African Americans ≥ 20 years of age, have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes, compared to 7.1% of non-Hispanic white Americans (Chow, Foster, Gonzalez, & McIver, 2012). One cultural aspect of the African American is food. Down in the south it called soul-food because it cooked from the soul. Grandparent and their parent would teach the younger generation how to cook soul food, that how I learn from my father and his mother and father. Soul food is food made from scratch homemade mac and cheese, green beans, collard greens, corn bread, pinto beans etc. A nursing role regarding the care of an African American is time and pain. A lot of time when African American say they are in pain it is brushed off because it is believed that African American have a high tolerance for pain. African American subjects reported higher levels of clinical pain as well as greater pain-related disability than white participants (Lowery, 2011). In addition, substantial group differences were observed for ischemic pain tolerance, with African Americans demonstrating less tolerance than whites (Lowery, 2011). African American also believe in being flexible with time, they will set an appointment for 2:30 but wont show until 5 min later.

Student #2: The population that I choose for this week's discussion is the immigrant and refugee population. Immigrants from all over the world came to the US to live a better life. They have to leave their family, friends and have to adjust to a new environment which has a great impact on their mental health. One health concern for immigrants and refugee is mental health disorders. “Major Depressive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and adjustment disorders, and substance abuse are the most common mental health diagnoses seen among refugees” (Immigrant and Refugee Health, 2021, para. 1). Immigrants came from different cultures have different believes about mental health disorders. In some cultures such as Hinduism, people think that mental health is a form of punishment from god. “Elderly refugees may be vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse, and experience social isolation, which can have a lasting effect on mental health and life after resettlement” (Immigrant and Refugee Health, 2021, para. 9).

Nurses play an important role as patient advocates. Nurse provide emotional care and educate patients about the available resources they have to deal with their mental disorders. It is important to teach immigrants and refuses to ask for help if they experience any kind of mental illness. nurses should respect patients' cultural beliefs. Nurses need to know that symptoms of mental disorders in immigrants and refugees may appear after few years, so they have to pay attention to signs and symptoms of mental illness in immigrants and refugees.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

NUR400 Discussion Post 1
Initially, I planned to involve 200 black American women in the research. But due to
feasibility concerns, I can only access 70, with a better understanding that as sample size
decreases, the standard deviation between form the target population increases. The increased
variability reduces the validity of the results. It can be questionable if the small sample size can
represent the traits in the entire population. According to Bujang & Baharum (2017), a sample
big enough to describe the population is vital for the generalization of the results.
Importantly, to work effectively with the accessible population, the researcher needs to be
sure that they need to replicate the traits that could not differ significantly from the target. With
much disparity between these samples, the findings can invalid due to the selection bias. Even
among the 70 accessible population, some participants can become unrespon...

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