Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Website Development Questions

User Generated


Computer Science

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College



Please use your text editor of choice to create assignment0.html.


For this assignment, you need to:

  • Create an HTML comment at the top of the page with your first name and last name inside of it
  • Title of page must be “Assignment 0”
  • Ensure that the character set is UTF-8
  • Ensure the language is set to English for the entire web page
  • Create a header using the LARGEST header tag saying “AIT 616: Assignment 0”
  • A smaller header (any size below the largest) in italics saying “About the
  • Professor” with a list containing:

    – A clickable link to my website:

    – A clickable mail to for my email:

    – Any 3 random facts you can make up about me • Another smaller header in italics saying “About Me” with a list containing:

    – Four random facts about you

    • Create a footer that says “Thank you for looking at my webpage!”

    Attached is the Example output.

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    Explanation & Answer

    Hey . I am uploading the folder containing two sub-folders : 1) With proper space and 2)without extra space. Both these folders contain the assignment0.html files each. But the folder...

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