N 492 Minnesota State Mankato Communication & Collaboration Techniques Reflection

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N 492

Minnesota State University Mankato



Reflection Journal

Write a reflection journal on the following two objectives. ½ page each

Outcome 1: Display effective intra and interprofessional communication and collaboration techniques to produce positive professional working relationships.

Outcome 2: Engage in baccalaureate-generalist nursing practice while respecting the uniqueness and complexity of care.

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Outcome 1. Synthesize knowledge to provide competent evidence based care and facilitate the health of individuals, families, and society. Last semester I learned about focusing my practice on and seeing the family as the unit of care. While I fully recognized the family as being an important factor in the lives of my patients, I realized that too often the family felt as though they were in the background and not being fully included in the plan of care. I began to address family members as a part of bedside handoff report. I also asked them what their concerns or questions were and what I could do to better assist them in understanding what their family member was experiencing and what I could do for them. What I have found is that by taking the time to help the family understand how to help their loved one, they become a more effective support system. For example, DKA patients are a common patient group that I help. Often family merely know that their loved one is diabetic, but do not know how to support or encourage them as they seek to manage their diabetes during illness. I first teach the patient about the need to check blood sugars more frequently during times of illness and to manage their sugars regardless of how much or how little they have eaten lately. I teach them how their body responds during illness. These concepts are then relayed to family members who can then more effectively remind and support their family member in order to prevent DKA. What I have seen so far is fewer readmissions for DKA and I have seen the family being more united and functioning as an active participant in the care of their family member.
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Outcome 1: Display effective intra and inter-professional communication and collaboration
techniques to produce positive professional working relationships.
I have learned that there must be proper communication and collaboration to achieve
positive working relationships. In my experience, ineffective communication and poor teamwork
are the primary causes of unwanted outcomes. One day last year, while helping at the local
hospital, a young resident medical offic...

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