How Important is Diversity?, writing homework help

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Share your journey: How have your thoughts on cultural diversity and minority changed since the beginning of this course and what three key writers most influenced that change? Consider the terms we have discussed: cross-culture, diversity, mestiza consciousness, borderlands, minority, majority, etc. Please respond in a five-paragraph APA essay format with quotes, proper in-text citations, and references.

**Authors/Selections for Reference

1. W.E.B. DuBois: Souls of Black Folk, Forethought and Chapter XIV

2. Fredrick Douglas: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July

3. Zora Neale Hurston: The Gilded Six Bits

4. Langston Hughes: You and Your Whole Race and Remember

5. Sandra Cisneros: Geraldo No Last Name and Dirt

6. Judith Ortiz Cofer: The Witch’s Husband and Not For Sale

7. Helen Hunt Jackson: A Century of Dishonor

8. Sherman Alexie, Jr.: Flight

9. Li-Young Lee: Secret Life, Little Ache, and Earth Unsung

10. Cathy Song: The Man Moves Earth, The Kindness of Others, and The Girl Can Run

Please respond in a five-paragraph APA essay format with quotes, proper in-text citations, and references.

Please be sure to include the following in your assignment submission:

  • Write a formal, 5-paragraph essay in APA format, including a cover page, in response to this question.Base your answer on your own observations and support your assertions quoting from your assigned readings.
  • Review the assigned readings from the course.Highlight quotes, summarize, or paraphrase from this week's readings and be sure to include an in-text citation in proper APA format (Author, year, p. X).
  • We must include three quotes from our readings. When we discuss literature, it is all about the words before us. They are ours to consider and reflect on. So, you will want to make a strong assertion and prove it, or support it, by quoting from the readings. Include three quotes in our essay.
  • Create a strong thesis for your essay. A thesis states shares the Author, Title of the piece being explored, and a strong assertion, and ideally will share key discussion points.
  • Be sure to include an APA reference page.

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Explanation & Answer

Here is the revised copy. Have a good night!

The Importance of Diversity
The three authors that influenced change the most were W.E.B. Dubois, Langston Hughes and
Frederick Douglass. They lived during the time of slavery and knew first hand what the perils were of
being a slave. They were not afraid to speak their mind and they eloquently described what the slaves
had to endure. It makes you feel bad for all the men, women and children who were oppressed by the
bonds of slavery and it brings to light the struggles that African Americans still endure even today.
When will racism finally end?
Dubois eloquently informed the reader of a variety of challenges faced by African Americans as
a result of inequality in American society. In addition, he delved into their spiritual selves to show an
indomitable spirit. The strength of the work also lies in Du Bois' ability to systematically a...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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