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the fence makes the shape of a rectangle. The length is twice as long as the width. The area of the rectangle is 72 square meters. How much fence must I buy to put a fence around a dog house.
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Ashford University Diane Vaughan Theory of Normalization of Deviance Discussion
Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2017). Statistical techniques in business and economics (17th ed.). Retrieve ...
Ashford University Diane Vaughan Theory of Normalization of Deviance Discussion
Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2017). Statistical techniques in business and economics (17th ed.). Retrieved from http://connect.mheducation.com/class/
BUS 308 AU Descriptive Statistics Discussion
In a managerial report,Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from Triple T’s study. Based on descriptive stat ...
BUS 308 AU Descriptive Statistics Discussion
In a managerial report,Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from Triple T’s study. Based on descriptive statistics, what are your preliminary conclusions about whether the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website differs by background color or font? What are yourpreliminary conclusions about whether time spent by visitors to the Triple T website differs by different combinations of background color and font?Explain whether Triple T has used an observational study or a controlled experiment.Use the data from Triple T’s study to test the hypothesis that the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website is equal for the three background colors. Include both factors and their interaction in the ANOVA model, and use a=.05.Use the data from Triple T’s study to test the hypothesis that the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website is equal for the three fonts. Include both factors and their interaction in the ANOVA model, and use a=.05.Use the data from Triple T’s study to test the hypothesis that time spent by visitors to the Triple T website is equal for the nine combinations of background color and font. Include both factors and their interaction in the ANOVA model, and use a=.05.Discuss whether the results of your analysis of the data provide evidence that the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website differs by background color, font, or combination of background color and font. What is your recommendation?Step 3: Discuss:What recommendations does your ANOVA results support? Use findings from your managerial report to support your recommendations. Be sure to include why you support certain decisions over others. What surprising findings did you come up with during your analysis?
Case Study Assignment
We will work with the data for homes for sale in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana. The response
(dependent) variable ...
Case Study Assignment
We will work with the data for homes for sale in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana. The response
(dependent) variable is Price, the asking price of a home. The data set contains the following explanatory
(independent) variables:
SqFt, the number of square feet for the home
Bedrooms, the number of bedrooms
Baths, the number of bathrooms
Garage, the number of cars that can fit in the garage
The data set contains 44 homes for sale in zip code 47904. a few homes have prices that are
somewhat high relative to the others. Similarly, some values for SqFt are relatively high. Exclude
any home with Price greater than $150,000 and any home with SqFt greater than 1800 ft2. After
excluding process, how many houses do you have in the data set? (20 p)
Regress price (dependent variable) on square feet (independent variable) and write the regression
equation. (18 p)
a. What proportion of the variance in Price variable can be explained by the Square Feet
b. Is this proportion of variance statistically significant at .05 level of significance? Justify
your answer.
c. Does Square feet significantly predict the price of the house? Justify your answer.
Recode the “Bedrooms” categorical variable to be Bed3 = 1 if the home has three or more
bedrooms and Bed3 = 0 if it does not. Bed3 is called as Dummy variable (indicator variable). (36
Run the regression analysis including the variables of price and the dummy variable,
Bed3 and write the regression equation.
What proportion of variance in the price of the house can be explained by the number of
bedrooms of the house? Is this proportion of variance statistically significant at .05 level
of significance? Justify your answer.
Does number of bedrooms significantly predict the price of the house? Justify your
What is the predicted price for homes with two or fewer bedrooms (Bed3 = 0)? What is
the predicted price for homes with three or more bedrooms (Bed3 =1)There are 3 more questions. Bringing it to a total of 6Follow directions on assignment and display the work.PLEASE READ: I included extra documents labeled "HELP" in the beginning of their title to help guide you through the assignment that the instructor provided. It is similar to assignment and designed to help understand it. It is there for your reference and not necessary to use. The Case Study Data for Assignment #7 excel document and Assignment 7_Case Study_FIn330 pdf file are the only two needed to complete the assignmentThe rest are there for reference and any help.
5 pages
Anova And The Tukey Hsd Test
Complete the following problems within the Word document (do not submit other files). Show your work for problem sets that ...
Anova And The Tukey Hsd Test
Complete the following problems within the Word document (do not submit other files). Show your work for problem sets that require calculations. ...
Walden Statistics Visual Display of Data Research Work Help
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the d ...
Walden Statistics Visual Display of Data Research Work Help
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document. Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be. For this Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Assignment, you will explore how to visually display data for optimal use.To prepare for this Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider visual displays of data.For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Unit of Analysis and the Skill Builder: Levels of Measurement, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in this week’s Learning Resources.From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.Once you visually display each variable, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word documenthttps://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/365828...https://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/365828...
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Ashford University Diane Vaughan Theory of Normalization of Deviance Discussion
Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2017). Statistical techniques in business and economics (17th ed.). Retrieve ...
Ashford University Diane Vaughan Theory of Normalization of Deviance Discussion
Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2017). Statistical techniques in business and economics (17th ed.). Retrieved from http://connect.mheducation.com/class/
BUS 308 AU Descriptive Statistics Discussion
In a managerial report,Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from Triple T’s study. Based on descriptive stat ...
BUS 308 AU Descriptive Statistics Discussion
In a managerial report,Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from Triple T’s study. Based on descriptive statistics, what are your preliminary conclusions about whether the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website differs by background color or font? What are yourpreliminary conclusions about whether time spent by visitors to the Triple T website differs by different combinations of background color and font?Explain whether Triple T has used an observational study or a controlled experiment.Use the data from Triple T’s study to test the hypothesis that the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website is equal for the three background colors. Include both factors and their interaction in the ANOVA model, and use a=.05.Use the data from Triple T’s study to test the hypothesis that the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website is equal for the three fonts. Include both factors and their interaction in the ANOVA model, and use a=.05.Use the data from Triple T’s study to test the hypothesis that time spent by visitors to the Triple T website is equal for the nine combinations of background color and font. Include both factors and their interaction in the ANOVA model, and use a=.05.Discuss whether the results of your analysis of the data provide evidence that the time spent by visitors to the Triple T website differs by background color, font, or combination of background color and font. What is your recommendation?Step 3: Discuss:What recommendations does your ANOVA results support? Use findings from your managerial report to support your recommendations. Be sure to include why you support certain decisions over others. What surprising findings did you come up with during your analysis?
Case Study Assignment
We will work with the data for homes for sale in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana. The response
(dependent) variable ...
Case Study Assignment
We will work with the data for homes for sale in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana. The response
(dependent) variable is Price, the asking price of a home. The data set contains the following explanatory
(independent) variables:
SqFt, the number of square feet for the home
Bedrooms, the number of bedrooms
Baths, the number of bathrooms
Garage, the number of cars that can fit in the garage
The data set contains 44 homes for sale in zip code 47904. a few homes have prices that are
somewhat high relative to the others. Similarly, some values for SqFt are relatively high. Exclude
any home with Price greater than $150,000 and any home with SqFt greater than 1800 ft2. After
excluding process, how many houses do you have in the data set? (20 p)
Regress price (dependent variable) on square feet (independent variable) and write the regression
equation. (18 p)
a. What proportion of the variance in Price variable can be explained by the Square Feet
b. Is this proportion of variance statistically significant at .05 level of significance? Justify
your answer.
c. Does Square feet significantly predict the price of the house? Justify your answer.
Recode the “Bedrooms” categorical variable to be Bed3 = 1 if the home has three or more
bedrooms and Bed3 = 0 if it does not. Bed3 is called as Dummy variable (indicator variable). (36
Run the regression analysis including the variables of price and the dummy variable,
Bed3 and write the regression equation.
What proportion of variance in the price of the house can be explained by the number of
bedrooms of the house? Is this proportion of variance statistically significant at .05 level
of significance? Justify your answer.
Does number of bedrooms significantly predict the price of the house? Justify your
What is the predicted price for homes with two or fewer bedrooms (Bed3 = 0)? What is
the predicted price for homes with three or more bedrooms (Bed3 =1)There are 3 more questions. Bringing it to a total of 6Follow directions on assignment and display the work.PLEASE READ: I included extra documents labeled "HELP" in the beginning of their title to help guide you through the assignment that the instructor provided. It is similar to assignment and designed to help understand it. It is there for your reference and not necessary to use. The Case Study Data for Assignment #7 excel document and Assignment 7_Case Study_FIn330 pdf file are the only two needed to complete the assignmentThe rest are there for reference and any help.
5 pages
Anova And The Tukey Hsd Test
Complete the following problems within the Word document (do not submit other files). Show your work for problem sets that ...
Anova And The Tukey Hsd Test
Complete the following problems within the Word document (do not submit other files). Show your work for problem sets that require calculations. ...
Walden Statistics Visual Display of Data Research Work Help
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the d ...
Walden Statistics Visual Display of Data Research Work Help
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document. Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be. For this Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Assignment, you will explore how to visually display data for optimal use.To prepare for this Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider visual displays of data.For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Unit of Analysis and the Skill Builder: Levels of Measurement, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in this week’s Learning Resources.From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.Once you visually display each variable, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word documenthttps://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/365828...https://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/365828...
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