University of Maryland Ethical Concerns in Digital Forensic Investigations Discussion

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university of Maryland college park


What do you think are the two top ethical concerns in digital forensic investigations and why are these such important concerns? In addition to sharing your two top ethical concerns, discuss two ethical guidelines you think should be in place regarding recovery and investigation and why.

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# 1 this is just a discussion post, no need for long response, maybe half a page. Also pls include reference What do you think are the two top ethical concerns in digital forensic investigations and why are these such important concerns? In addition to sharing your two top ethical concerns, discuss two ethical guidelines you think should be in place regarding recovery and investigation and why. # 2 this is main project focus more on this and please include all reference Assignment #3 • No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. • Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page 1. Explain what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud. 2. If you had to explain to someone how and why they should protect their data on their computer, what would you present (remember to think about some key steps from intrusion, issues such as ransomware, how incidents occur, etc.) 3. Explain at least three ways, in detail, that a digital forensic practitioner can display their ethical practices and understanding of ethics in the profession. Format Requirements • Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all around. • All APA 7th edition "student" format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC - learning resources found in the content page of this course. • You must utilize at least 3 outside references to support your thoughts/opinions/information. These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.
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Digital Forensics and Computing
Institution Affiliation




Part One
The Two Top Ethical Concerns in Digital Forensic Investigations and why they are
Important Concerns
Digital forensics incorporates identifying, recovering, analyzing, and representing in
court relevant facts extracted from electronic devices. In this regard, honesty and fairness should
be the topmost ethical considerations. This is because the information taken from these devices is
considered digital evidence presented before the jury and is designed to connect individuals and
events in time to determine casualty for criminal doing. This ethical concern is important
because it ensures that digital evidence cannot be trivial (Balogun & Zuva, 2017). If the result is
a conviction, then the defendant may have to part with monetary charges or even face
incarceration. The second ethical concern in digital forensic investigation is the need to maintain
proper documentation of every individual who handles the evidence, not to mention
professionalism in the analysis of the same. This second ethical concern is important because it
upholds the integrity of the evidence during preservation to ensure no modification happens.
Two Ethical Guidelines that should be in Place Regarding Recovery and Investigation
The first ethical guideline is to maintain a chain of custody during all the stages of
collection to analysis and reporting. A digital forensic investigator...

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