Technological Advancements and Challenges, business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


Week 7 Discussion

"Technological Advancements and Challenges" Please respond to the following:

  • In a departure from its normal business operations Apple has recently teamed up with a bio-tech company to investigate the possibility of cloning human organs. You have been tasked with creating a press release to make this decision public and get ahead of any negative press. Compose a statement to the press to explain Apple’s decision and quell potential negative reactions.

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Explanation & Answer



Apple Company, with the utmost pleasure wish to bring to public light the news of our
most recent endeavors and our ultimate goal towards corporate social responsibility. The Apple
Company as we well know is a technology company well known for its excellence in products
and issues to deal with corporate social responsibility and environment sustainability; we have
always been clear and upfront in all our endeavors.
We care about and put significant consideration on the development of human life and
the success of life and society; this is why we involve ourselves with corporate social
responsibility through different projects so as to enhance the lives of different people in the
society. It is in this light that today we announce to you that we, through a joint agreement with
one of the leading biotechnology...

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