UDC Gratitude and Mindfulness Reflective Journal

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University of the District of Columbia


Letter of Appreciation

In a recent study, researchers found that those who wrote thank you letters and delivered them reported a significantly improved well being. First view Jon Kabat-Zinn discuss gratitude and mindfulness

Then, think of someone with whom you have shared happy moments or someone who has supported you and been there for you. Write them a thank you letter and deliver it to them. In your letter, be sure to describe why you are grateful to have them in your life and explain how their presence has given you growth and happiness.

Oprah & Leadership

Watch: Oprah Winfrey’s Uplifting Speech during a leadership conference.

Discuss your thoughts about Ms. Winfrey's speech by pulling out two salient points. Do you agree or disagree? What elements of her speech could you deploy in your own life?

Self-reflection journal

Weekly typed reflection journals should reflect on course experience and practice of mindfulness, must be at least 300 words for each entry, and should include images, web links and resources utilized over the course of the week to promote reflection or thought.

Write your letter (or a snippet), your response to Ms. Winfrey's speech and your your reflective journal!

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Gratitude and Mindfulness

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Due Date



Gratitude and Mindfulness
Activity 1: Letter of Appreciation
Dear Dad,
I want to send my sincere gratitude to you for being such a caring, loving, a great friend,
a great father, and real supporter that anyone can have in this world am really proud of all the
moments we have shared together so far. I am also grateful at how you have been for how you
have stood up and been responsible for all your roles as my father and as the role model you
have been to me. You have been able to treat me well and raised me with all the accords for me
to ...

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