POLSCI 428 Washington State University Political Psychology Paper

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Washington State University



Your job is to write a specific policy that can reasonably be implemented by the federal government of the United States of America. This means that you’ll need to identify which agency you believe is best suited for the job and you’ll need to justify why you picked that agency. You are welcome to propose a policy that is jointly implemented by your chosen government agency and a local non-governmental organization, but again, you will need to justify why this is appropriate.

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Explanation & Answer

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Political psychology
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Executive Summary
In contemporary United States society, loss of trust in government institutions among the
public and rise of paramilitary groups are among the major issues of concern. To eradicate these
issues, one of the actions the Federal government can take is incorporation of appropriate
policies. This paper suggests that to restore trust in government institutions among the public, the
government should adopt a policy to correct the current criminal law to enhance justice and
transparency. Conversely, to curb the growth and eliminate paramilitary and militia groups, the
government through the congress should enact a policy requiring the licensed firearm owners to
relicense, eliminate the gunshow loop and prohibit the public from owning and using long or
more powerful firearms.

1.0 Policy Proposal for Restoration of Trust in Government Institutions Among the Public
Over the years, trust in governmental institutions among the general public has
substantially reduced. In 2019, a study by Google indicated that govern institutions' confidence
among the public declined by 16% compared to the previous year. In the same year, businesses
and non-governmental institutions recorded growth in trust levels among the masses. Clear &
Frost (2013) notes that the decline in trust in government and public institutions can be attributed
to the government's continuous failure to meet the requirements from the United States
government by the general public. In contemporary American society, there has been a wide
range of emerging problems, including the covid-19 response measures and racial
discrimination, that have changed the public perception towards the government. For instance, in
regard to response to the covid-19 pandemic, the United States government has received
continuous cultism from the public, citing that the federal government failed to protect the public
from the pandemic through the adoption of the required policies and measures. Correction of the
criminal law and the power of the media could help regain trust in the government.
Over the years, the United States government has lost trust due to the court's ruling
regarding criminal law. Criminal law in the United States aims to ensure that the society
observes law and order through the punishment of the offenders. It relates to the laws that has
been enacted by the United States government and violation of these laws constitutes a crime
that may lead into fines or/and imprisonment. Unlike other civil laws where private citizens use
the court system to enforce redress of their rights, the criminal law in the United States involves
the state government or federal government seeking to obtain a guilty verdict against an
individual (Clear & Frost, 2013). Over the years, the public have lost faith in the government due
to some aspects of the criminal law or justice system. One of these aspects is the mandatory
minimum sentencing laws. The mandatory minimum sentencing laws are designed for distinct
charges as a basic rule of thumb (Buist & Stone, 2014). Every crime has a specific number of
years one should serve in prison if found guilty. The government has fir a longtime been accused
of using the mandatory minimum sentencing laws to threaten defendants or to their advantage
through longer sentences in a bid to secure a guilty plea for a reduced sentence. Clear & Frost,
(2013). argues that these laws call for a white or black reasoning and inhibit the jury from
accounting for the specific circumstances that revolve around a case leading into harsh sentences.
Correction of the criminal law to give the jury power to assess and make rulings based on a
specific case would see the public regain trust in the court system and the government

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