MATH 160 Cuyamaca College Module 4 Histogram Discussion Post

User Generated



MAth 160

Cuyamaca College



Progress Check

Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can:

  • Select an appropriate bin width for a histogram and explain your choice.
  • Use a histogram to describe the shape, center, and spread of a distribution of data.

Learn by Doing

This is the first of several mini-labs designed to teach you how to use StatCrunch. Later in the course, you will be expected to complete more extensive labs and in-class quizzes/exams using the StatCrunch skills learned in these early mini-labs.

Some features of this activity may not work well on a cell phone or tablet. We highly recommend that you complete this activity on a computer.

Use the rubric at the bottom of this page as a guide for completing this assignment.

A list of StatCrunch directions is provided after the Prompt section below.


Submit your work:

  • Carefully read all sections below (beginning with the Context section and ending with the Prompt section).
  • Commit a good-faith effort to address all items in the Prompt section below. Please be sure to number your responses.
  • If directed to do so, embed all required StatCrunch output in your initial submission. Please do not submit StatCrunch output as an attachment.

Complete your assigned peer reviews:

  • After you submit your initial good-faith attempt, continue to the ANSWER(S) page and review your instructor's response. But please do not submit your corrected work yet.
  • Within three days after the due date, return to this assignment and complete your assigned peer reviews (directions (Links to an external site.)).

Submit your corrected work:

  • We all learn from mistakes (our own and our classmates' mistakes). So please do not immediately correct your own mistakes. If possible, wait until you receive feedback from at least one of your peers.
  • If necessary, correct your work and resubmit the entire assignment - including any required StatCrunch output. Your instructor will only review and grade your most recent submission, so please do not refer to a previous submission.


We will use the Best Actor Oscar winners (1970–2001) data file to learn how to create a histogram using StatCrunch, and to practice what we've learned about describing a histogram. We are interested in describing the distribution of actors' ages when they won the Best Actor Oscar.


Start by downloading the actor datafile to your computer.

Next you will create a histogram of the ages of Best Oscar winners and upload your histogram to your Stats-Class folder in Canvas. Here are the steps.

  • open StatCrunch (directions).
  • Upload the ages data file to StatCrunch (directions).
  • Create a histogram of the ages of Best Actor Oscar winners (directions).
  • Download the StatCrunch output window, your histogram (directions).


In your initial post, respond to the following prompt.

  1. Describe the distribution of ages of the Best Actor Oscar winners. Your description should include: shape, center (a typical representative age), a typical interval of representative ages, spread (overall range of ages), and any outliers (unusual ages). Be sure to embed your histogram in your initial post (directions). Please do not submit your histogram as an attachment.
  2. Create a second histogram for the distribution of ages, and adjust the bin width (directions). Try both smaller and larger bin widths. Choose a bin width so that your second histogram does not look like the first. Upload your second histogram to your Stats-Class folder. Also embed your second histogram with your initial post. Indicate which histogram is better for analyzing the data (your first embedded histogram or your second). Explain why.

List of StatCrunch Directions

Each link will open in a new window. To return to this discussion, either close the new tab or select the tab for this discussion.

Here is a PDF document with all StatCrunch directions (Links to an external site.).


Peer Reviewed Assignment w/ StatCrunch

Peer Reviewed Assignment w/ StatCrunch


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddressing the Prompt

6 pts

Full Marks

All parts of the Prompt are addressed. Answers are correct. Statistical vocabulary is used appropriately. Writing is clear and thought process is easy to follow.

4 pts

Partial Credit

Some parts of the prompt are not addressed, are incorrect, or are unclear.

0 pts

No Marks

The prompt is not addressed.

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatCrunch Data

2 pts

Full Marks

Appropriate StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are provided as directed.

1 pts

Partial Credit

StatCrunch graphs and tables are inappropriate or missing important information.

0 pts

No Marks

No StatCrunch information is provided.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIndividual Penalty

0 pts

No individual penalty

-1 pts

Individual penalty.

Please see the instructor comments for more information.

0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews

2 pts

Full Marks

You completed all assigned peer reviews (maximum of 2). For each peer review, the points you assigned in the rubric are appropriate. You included comments explaining the score you posted in the rubric. If you deducted points in the rubric, your comments explain what the author needs to do to earn a higher grade when the teacher grades the assignment.

1 pts

Partial Credit

Committed a good-faith effort to provide a high-quality peer review, but many necessary instructive comments are missing.

0 pts

No Marks

No peer review provided or the comments are not instructive.

2 pts

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

Attached is the complete solution

Discussion Post on Histogram
Student Name
University Affiliation

Discussion Post on Histogram
Histogram graphically displays data into bars using different heights. It is the most
commonly used chart for display the frequency distribution graphically. Each bar represents a
group of numbers into ranges, and each of the bars is connected. The height of the bars
represents how many data have fallen within the range. The histogram explains the shape, center,
spread, and outliers of the continuous data. Figure 1 shows the histogram of the ages of the
actors w...

Awesome! Made my life easier.


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