IT 216 Northern Virginia Community College System Analysis and Design Paper

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Computer Science

IT 216

Northern Virginia Community College



Project Report – Phase 1 IT216 – System Analysis and Design Due date: February 26th Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (in the discussion forum of your group) 1) Form a group of 5 students, post the group information in the discussion forum if you have not done that yet 2) Select a topic of your choice to work on your project. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: e-commerce web application, online platform for education, airline services, etc. The project involves the design and the analysis of a system. We will focus on specification and design rather than a fully functional implementation. 3) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the course materials, complete the project report following the structure described below. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both completeness and correctness. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided in the course book. If you have questions or comments, please contact the TA or the instructor. 4) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard. Do not forget to add the project title, the name of each student in your group, and the answers to the questions defined in the project structure (as presented below). Use graphs, tables, diagrams, models, figures and external references whenever needed to illustrate your work. Report Structure Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points] 1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points] a. Examples of Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine services, etc. b. Examples of Scopes: online retailer, mobile application, physical store, hospital, university, etc. 2) Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five), and why (your motivations and rationale to select those problems). State your goals, specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity, to improve a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points] a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased in 10%, the purchase takes too long to be completed, the delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to identify those problems? Provide illustrative examples. b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc. c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping period, etc. d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what activities and tasks are necessary? why are they necessary?) 3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five examples). Use tables to define the problems, including a brief description of: statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points] Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points] 1) Define the concepts involved in your solution: a. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles, relationships, and set of activities performed? b. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component). c. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios. d. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices e. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to implement your solution. Justify your choices. Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points] 1) Critically analyze the solution proposed: a. What are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project? Use a Fishbone diagram to provide examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (e.g.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two examples for each factor (e.g.: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).

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Project Report – Phase 1 IT216 – System Analysis and Design Due date: February 26th Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (in the discussion forum of your group) 1) Form a group of 5 students, post the group information in the discussion forum if you have not done that yet 2) Select a topic of your choice to work on your project. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: e-commerce web application, online platform for education, airline services, etc. The project involves the design and the analysis of a system. We will focus on specification and design rather than a fully functional implementation. 3) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the course materials, complete the project report following the structure described below. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both completeness and correctness. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided in the course book. If you have questions or comments, please contact the TA or the instructor. 4) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard. Do not forget to add the project title, the name of each student in your group, and the answers to the questions defined in the project structure (as presented below). Use graphs, tables, diagrams, models, figures and external references whenever needed to illustrate your work. Report Structure Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points] 1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points] a. Examples of Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine services, etc. b. 2) Examples of Scopes: online retailer, mobile application, physical store, hospital, university, etc. Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five), and why (your motivations and rationale to select those problems). State your goals, specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity, to improve a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points] a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased in 10%, the purchase takes too long to be completed, the delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to identify those problems? Provide illustrative examples. b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc. c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping period, etc. d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what activities and tasks are necessary? why are they necessary?) 3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five examples). Use tables to define the problems, including a brief description of: statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points] Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points] 1) Define the concepts involved in your solution: a. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles, relationships, and set of activities performed? b. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component). c. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios. d. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices e. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to implement your solution. Justify your choices. Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points] 1) Critically analyze the solution proposed: a. What are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project? Use a Fishbone diagram to provide examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (e.g.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two examples for each factor (e.g.: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).
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Project Report – Phase 1 IT216 – System Analysis and Design
Student Name
Institution Affiliation



Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points]
1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points] a. Examples of
Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine
services, etc.
Ans. e-commerce
Scope: mobile restaurant ordering/delivery application
2) Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five) and
why (your motivations and rationale to select those problems). State your goals,
specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity, to improve
a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points]
a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased by 10%, the purchase takes too long to be
completed, the delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to
identify those problems? Provide illustrative examples.
b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc.
c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping
period, etc.
d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what
activities and tasks are necessary? why are they necessary?)

a. Problems to be addressed:

Ongoing pandemic – people are cautious of public environments, allow us to deliver
directly to them

Ongoing pandemic – less customer capacity means less revenue

Ongoing pandemic – health concern for staff/customers

Normal fees of popular delivery apps

The need to call in to order – staff may be busy at that moment

No app means less customer interaction or reaches - bundle the service with the app

Need a source for a vehicle a risk with a vehicle accident and ownership of damage

b. Motivation:

Increase revenue

Remove middleman and keep profits

Provide an additional point of sale

employee/customer safety

c. Goals:

Leverage the market for home delivery while keeping all profits made

Fast and easy ordering food from the restaurant

Clear and informative food choices




d. Specific Aims

Provide clear details of food items and ordering

3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five
examples). Use tables to define the problems, including a brief description of:
statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points]
restrictions put in
place for businesses
Other ordering apps
charge a fee for
every order placed
Customers ordering
take-out by phone

The general staff
may be too busy
with customers
inside the restaurant

Fewer customers
allowed in the restaurant
means less overall
These fees cut into our

Allow customers
to enjoy our food
from home

Customers may be
unsure of what they're
ordering, or staff may
confuse them with an
Phone orders may not be
picked up

Make ordering
faster and easier

Create and use
our app to keep

convenience for
staff members to

Provide a means to
order and deliver their
food straight to their
Allow app to be easily
maintained and
communicate with
Provide simple to read
but informative
ordering info

Designated staff only
for app orders

Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points]
1) Define the concepts involved in your solution: a. Who are the stakeholders involved
(personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles,
relationships, and set of activities performed?

Customer: will directly interact with the system for ordering their food

Drivers: will need correct information for delivery food


Cook: will rely on correct information to prepare the food

Owners: will receive profits from sales

Suppliers of resources:

Pepsi Company Regional dough production companies (Pizza base)

Secondary materials (meat, vegetables, sauces)

Local M...

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