NHCC Asthma Causes Symptoms and Management Paper

User Generated


Health Medical

North Hennepin Community College


J.S. is a 42-year-old man who lives in the Midwest and is highly allergic to dust and pollen and has a history of mild asthma. J.S’s wife drove him to the emergency room when his wheezing was unresponsive to his fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair) inhaler. J.S. was unable to lie down, and began to use accessory muscles to breathe. J.S. is immediately started on 4 L oxygen by nasal cannula and intravenous (IV) D5W at 75 mL/hr. A set of arterial blood gases is sent to the laboratory. J.S. appears anxious and says that he is short of breath.

Vital signs

BP = 152/84 HR = 124 bpm RR = 42 Temp = 100.40F
pH = 7.31 PaCO2 = 48 HCO3 = 26 PaO2 = 55

Investigate the condition of asthma and the manifestations of the disease. Analyze the case study provided and determine what symptoms support the diagnosis of asthma. Identify the treatment provided in the emergency department and determine what additional therapies are needed to mitigate the asthma symptoms and return the client to wellness.

  1. Do you have any concerns with the numbers above?
  2. Identify what may be causing J.S. to have an exacerbation of asthma.

Prepare a 3-5 page paper outlining the causes of asthma, the symptoms that the client presents and the management of the disorder. Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.



The Causes of Asthma

Client’s Symptoms

The Management of the Disorder



Allergies and Asthma
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name



Asthma is a major health problem in the westernized and western countries. Asthma in
most cases develops after an exposure to pollen triggers, such as pollen and house dust mite. The
need for asthma management is vital because of the seriousness of health factors NIH (2018).
However, despite diagnosis and prevention management improvement of asthma over the years,
most people with asthma remain poorly contained. Nonetheless, asthma symptoms controls have
been achieved via right pharmacological interventions such as Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). For
adults that fail to control it with ICS, the use of combined agonist inhalers and ICS are preferred
(Quirt et al., 2018).
There are many asthmas causes. It is more challenging to know which cause makes
asthma worse precisely. This is because the asthma causes that affect one person can vary to
another person. In most cases, asthma is a consequence of a strong response of the body’s
immune defense system to a foreign substance in the lungs. When someone breathes allergen, the
body reacts strongly by creating inflammation, making airways narrow and swell where it
produces mucus (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Some causes include animal dander, cockroach residue
pollens, house dust mites, mold, and non-allergic such as cold air and tobacco smoke. Other
conditions that trigger asthma are genes and family history, medical conditions such as obesity,
respiratory infections, ethnicity or race, and allergies.
Asthma manifests in distinct forms. Some asthma symptoms maybe chest tightness,
wheezing, constant coughing at night or early morning, and shortness of breath (NIH, 2018). In
most cases, people who have asthma have specific features such as having symptomatic features
during the day, getting worse with viral infections, and getting worse in the morning or at night.



In the case of the case study patient, J. S. the vital signs are of concern because the
average body temperature should range ...

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