The Ohio State University Information Architecture Across PHI Paper

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Health Medical

The Ohio State University


It is time to go back to your course project. For this module you will add a page or slide titled “information architecture across PHI”.

According to the topic and the level chosen (e.g., local, state, federal, international), you will be asked to focus on a specific public health agency operating in that area (e.g., local health department, CDC) - it may be that there will be more than one, and you can choose - and to include three sections:

A) Main overview of the agency (Target, Providers, Where, What) (at least 10 words)

B) Information architecture elements in place in the agency (e.g., client registry, terminology service) - if you cannot access this information, envision what should be implemented and why (at least 30 words)

C) Use of clouding technology and/or business operations processes - if you cannot access this information, envision what should be implemented and why. (at least 30 words)

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Assignment Rubric Did not complete or Very poor Activity 0 points Requirements Misses two or more elements of the assignment. Quality of Writing Use of sources and citations 0 points Makes several grammatical or syntactical errors; makes three or more spelling errors. Poor Average Good Excellent 5 points Misses one major element in the assignment. 10 points Handles all essential assignment material competently, but may miss a minor point or two. 15 points Handles all elements of the assignment with skill; develops and supports ideas in a better-thanaverage way. 2 points Commits several minor grammatical or syntactical errors; fails to correct two spelling errors. 3 points Writes generally correct prose; occasionally fails to catch grammatical errors; tries for the minimum. 20 points Handles all elements of the assignment in a professional way; develops and supports ideas thoroughly; uses examples effectively. 5 points Employs rhetorical strategies effectively; makes virtually no grammatical or syntactical errors. 4 points Proof-reads well enough to eliminate most grammatical errors; may have minor problems with punctuation or usage. 0 points 0 points 3 points 4 points No course No course Incorporation Incorporation content or content or of course of course outside outside content only. content only. sources is sources is APA style is APA style is incorporated. incorporated. used used to cite or to cite or reference the reference the material with material with one or two no errors. errors. 5 points Incorporation of course content and outside sources. APA style is used to cite or reference the material with no errors.
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Prescription Drug Overdose
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
Instructor's Name

Selected Topic/Issue: Prescription Drug Overdose
Description of Issue
Prescription drug overdose is the taking or ingestion of prescription substances in greater
quantities than those recommended by providers. Drug overdose is a medication error that is
very common in the United States and the rest of the world, thus this topic can be addressed at
state, national, and international levels. According to the CDC(2020), deaths from drug
overdoses in the United States alone are very high.
Information Systems Related to the Topic
The primary information system used to prevent prescription errors is known as CPOE
(computerized physician order entry), which was originally developed in 1971 to allow
physicians at El Camino Hospital (in California) to quickly order medications. Studies on the
efficiency of CPOE systems indicate that they have the potential to reduce medication errors by
about 55% to 83% (Page et al., 2017).
Relationship with other Informatics Fields/Areas
CPOE systems are part of several other technologies or information systems used by
healthcare organizations. Other tools include EHR systems, e-pr...

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