MTH 154 NVCC MyMathLab Quantitative Reasoning Questions Excel Task

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MTH 154

Northern Virginia Community College



i attached everything that i think of is required for the assignments but the tutor can contact me any time if they want any additional material

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My grades Mymathlab homework= 93.36% i.e 149.38/160 Quizzes=81.6% i.e 32.64/40 Activities= 92% i.e 46/50 Tests= 68.2% i.e 6.82/10 MTH 154: Project - Gradebook Project Directions: In this project you will create a spreadsheet which keeps track of your grade in this Math 154 class. In addition to simply recording all of your grades for the course, it will provide you with a “running tally” of how you are doing in the course at any point in time during the semester. 1. What does “running tally” mean? To help you understand this, compute the grade of a student with an 82 MyMathLab Homework average, 86 Quiz Average, 84 Activities average, a 92 on Project 1 and a 93 on Test 1 (label the cell sample student average). Use the syllabus to determine the appropriate weights for each category and enter a formula in a spreadsheet to compute their grade. Re-compute their grade assuming they get a 95 on Project 2. Insert a textbox into the spreadsheet and record both grades in the textbox. Are you surprised by their grades? Explain what weights dominate at this point in the semester. 2. Create a new sheet (tab) in the spreadsheet from part 1 which will allow you to enter all of your grades for this Math 154 course. Enter all your current grades for MyMathLab Homework, Quizzes, Activities, and Tests you already have. Enter a grade of 90% for Project 1. There should be nicely labeled spaces for all of the following work: ❖ There will be 31 MyMathLab Homework assignments. ❖ There will be 6 Activities. ❖ There will be 6 Quizzes ❖ There will be 2 Projects. ❖ There will be 3 Tests. 3. Create cells which will compute the average MyMathLab Homework grade, average Quiz grade, average Activities grade, average Project grade, and average Test grade. Name these cells appropriately. 4. Create cells which will count the number of MyMathLab Homework grades entered so far, count the number of Quiz grades, and count the number of Activities grades. Name these cells appropriately. 5. Create cells which will compute the max and min grades for each of the 5 categories: MyMathLab Homework, Quizzes, Activities, Project, and Test. 6. Create a Column Chart of your MyMathLab Homework grades, Quiz grades, and Activities grades (put all on one chart). The chart should update as you enter new scores. (Remember, in Excel, a chart is a graph.) 7. Format all of this nicely with borders and shading. 8. Create a cell which computes your total grade using the ideas of weighted average. This formula must be linked to all of your input cells, so when you enter a grade it automatically updates. You may use the average for the categories as counting for the full weight of that category. 9. Create a cell which computes the highest possible average you can get in the class. Assume your MyMathLab Homework, Quiz, and Activity averages are fixed (use the averages on the sheet) but you should assume that you get a 100 on all projects and remaining tests. Reflection (place in a text box on the third tab of your Excel File): ❖ Paragraph I – What did you learn from this process of creating a sheet to model something in your world? Talk about successes and struggles while doing the project. ❖ Paragraph II – Analyze your situation. What do your graph and computations tell you about your grade? Where do you see the need for change? Where do you see the need to continue doing what you have been? Grading: Grade Calculation Sheet Reflection 80 pts 20 pts Rubric: Excel File Running Talley Calculation and Explanation Spreadsheet with Space for all Grades Averages by Category Grade Counts Max and Min Grade Calculations Column Chart Total Grade Calculation Highest Grade Calculation Entering Current Grades Formatting and Labeling Reflection Paragraph I Paragraph II 9 Points 7 Points Correct calculation and questions are thoroughly answered. 3 Points Incorrect calculation or questions are not thoroughly answered. 0 Points Incorrect calculation and questions are not thoroughly answered. Each individual entry properly displayed and labeled. Missing one to three entries and/or labels. Missing four to six entries and/or labels. Missing one to three entries and/or labels. Each properly displayed and calculated. One missing or incorrectly calculated. Each properly displayed and calculated. Each properly displayed and calculated. Two are missing or incorrectly calculated. One missing or incorrectly calculated. One missing or incorrectly calculated. More than two are missing or incorrectly calculated. More than one is missing or incorrectly calculated. More than one is missing or incorrectly calculated. Completely labeled, including axes, title and legend. Accurately reflects the data. The chart is missing a legend or one of the axis has not been labeled. The chart is missing two or more labels or legend. The total grade is computed correctly and updates to additional and modified individual entries. Single error in computing the total grade or single entry modification does not update the value. Two errors in computing the total grade and/or two entries modification does not update the value. Minor error. The chart is missing two or more labels or a legend and the chart does not accurately reflect the data. Multiple errors in calculation and/or modifications do not update the total grade. Correctly calculated. Correctly completed. Labeling, Layout, Borders, Background color, Font, Font size, and Font style all work to enhance the spreadsheet. Spreadsheet layout makes any and all items easy to locate. 10 Reflection is well written in organization and grammatical structure. Demonstrate both deep thought and comprehensive overview of the project. Labeling, Layout, Borders, Background color, Font, Font size, and Font style mostly effective but there is some visual confusion about the layout. Some hunting is required to locate a specific item. 7 Reflection is written with poor organization or lacking grammatical structure. Demonstrate some thought and comprehensive overview of the project. Missing one or one is incorrect. Noticeable visual confusion about the layout. Some hunting is required to locate several specific items. 3 Reflection is written with poor organization and lacking grammatical structure. Demonstrate little thought and no overview of the project. Incorrectly calculated. Several are missing or incorrect. There is a great deal of visual confusion about the layout. Most items are mislabeled or vaguely labeled and a great deal of hunting is required to located most items. 0 No reflection submitted
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Explanation & Answer

Hey there, hope you're doing great! I'm almost done with the Gradebook. However, I need you to input your grades in Sheet 2. According to the direction, you need to enter all your grades for Math 154. Do you have the data? According to the instructions, there will be 31 Homeworks, 6 Activities, 6 Quizzes, 2 Projects, and 3 Tests. Please enter the data that you have in Section 2.Note: Only enter your data in the BLUE highlighted cell. Please send the file after you input all the data you have. After that, I'll compute for the highest possible average for each assignment then, finally, help you with the reflections.Will wait for you till then! Thanks. :)P.S. If you want any changes to the format of the excel file, let me know so I can edit it. :)


















Student Average

Final Average


Running tally means that the total of the tally is changing as
numbers are continously added.


The student's final course percentage is 89.70%. On the Grade
Scale, mark falls in Grade A.


Assuming that the student get a 95 on Project 2, the new final
course percent...

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