Indian Institute of Technology Importance of Character to Succeed Response

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Indian Institute of Technology Madras


In the book Coach Wooden's Greatest Secret (Williams, 2014), the "daffodil principle" was illustrated through a true story about a woman named Gene Bauer who planted a daffodil garden over 5 acres in the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California, She did this starting in 1958, planting one bulb at a time over many years, to create a vision of indescribable beauty and magnificence. Decades later, 50,000 bulbs were planted by one woman, one at a time, to create a marvelous 5-acre garden of daffodils. This true story illustrates how we build our character - through a series of small decisions made one after another over a long period of time. If we do that, remaining attentive and focused on the little things, we will build a strong character that will endure through times of stress, trials, and temptation. Please write a paragraph about one small thing you can do over a long period of time which will help build your own strong character to be an effective leader. After watching the John Wooden video, please write a paragraph reflecting upon one or two things you found to be the most insightful words of wisdom that are meaningful to you. Just respond to each question. Thanks.

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