The University of Texas at Arlington Public Health Informatics Discussion Post

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Health Medical

The University of Texas at Arlington


he vaccine registry in Texas (ImmTrac) brings together information submitted by physician offices, hospitals, and public health departments when they provide immunizations. These individual records are aggregated to give us a picture of the overall number of children who have been vaccinated in the State of Texas and the nation. Families can opt out of getting vaccinations for children by submitting a conscientious exemption, typically for religious reasons. This information can be very valuable during outbreaks of illness. Knowing where pockets of unvaccinated children live can help the Department of State Health Services focus their efforts. While vaccines are very safe, in rare instances there are adverse events. Because vaccines are often required to participate in public events (like school) it is important to continue to ensure their safety. Information about Notifiable Conditions helps the State of Texas track the number of people who become ill with Vaccine Preventable illnesses.

1) Visit The Infectious Disease Control Unit website at the Texas Department of State Health Services, and read about the following:

2) Visit ImmTrac2 at Texas Department of State Health Services and look over the conscientious exemptions data (Links to an external site.).

Post to the discussion board describing this data. Investigate the sources of the data. What are some factors impacting the quality and reliability/completeness of the data? Also, look at trends or points in the data. Why do certain counties have higher numbers of vaccine conscientious exemptions, especially varying rates in counties that are close together like Denton, Dallas, and Tarrant Counties?

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: PUBLIC


Student Name

[Name of the institution]
February 24, 2021



Ironically, health statistics are very much needed by every state in order to develop
effective and efficient strategies to timely investigate and mitigate the on-going illnesses
outbreaks in children or in general. In this paper, we shall discuss Texas's public health
informatics department, which represents clear information about the kind of diseases
emerging in the state along with their statistics with respect to current and previous years
data. As far as the Texas health department's modifiable conditions are concerned, outbreaks,
exotic diseases, along unusual group expressions of disease should be reported. All types of
diseases should be reported with the Name, age, sex, race, date-of-birth, home address,
contact along with the method of diagnosis, Name, contact and ...

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