radical functions 10 problems, math homework help

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Correctly answer all problems on the attached document about radical functions. You need to show all work and clearly explain your answer. Give examples where necessary.

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Unit 4 Project    Solve each equation.    1. √b  +  15 = √3b  +  1   3 2. √2w  −  1 + 11 = 18   3. 1  +  √x  +  5 = √x  +  12     Simplify each expression.    4. √175   5. (6  −  3√2)(− 4  + √2)    6. 2√6 + 4√24   7. 8 3 + √5 8. (9 2  • 9 3 ) 6   1 7 1 11 2  • 11 3  • 11 6   √256s11t18   9. 10. 1 6   2 1
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Explanation & Answer

Attached are all the solutions to the 10 problems with all work shown. Let me know if you have any questions.

√𝑏 + 15 = √3𝑏 + 1

√𝑏 + 15 = √3𝑏 + 1
𝑏 + 15 = 3𝑏 + 1


Square both sides of the equation
Subtract b from both sides
Subtract 1 from both sides
Divide both sides by 2

14 = 2𝑏
7= 𝑏
√𝑏 + 15 = √3𝑏 + 1
√7 + 15 = √3(7) + 1
√22 = √22

Verify the soution


√2𝑤 − 1 +...

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