CJS 231 University of Phoenix Week 2 Biological Criminal Behavior Presentation

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CJS 231

University of Phoenix



PART 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Why are theoretical perspectives on crime relevant in policing?
  • Do these theories matter in the day-to-day job of a police officer? Explain your answer and provide examples.

PART 2: There are offenders whose criminality is based on biological factors. This may or may not be known to the offender prior to a deadly incident like the examples in this assignment. Biological anomalies are not common, but in many cases, the results are catastrophic. The cases outlined for this assignment are some of the most notorious. This assignment will help you develop a better understanding of mental illness and physiology as factors when measuring criminality.

Choose a criminal offender from the list below, or one of your choosing, whose criminal behavior was connected to a biological abnormality (physical, psychological, or chemical):

  • Andrea Yates and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues, including postpartum depression and psychosis, prior to murdering her five children.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues prior to murdering 17 men.
  • John Wayne Gacy and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues prior to murdering 33 young men and boys.
  • Charles Whitman murdered 16 people, including his wife and mother. An autopsy suggested Whitman had a brain tumor pressing on his amygdala, a region of the brain crucial for emotion and behavioral control.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes in which you:

  • Summarize the case.
  • Discuss the genetic or physiological evidence that supports the notion that biology played a key role in explaining the offender's criminality.
  • Research the behaviors that constitute psychopathy and discuss in detail the specific behaviors demonstrated by the offender that align (or not) with behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual.
  • Identify if the positivist perspective applies to your chosen example. Explain your answer.
  • Identify if the punishment rendered in your chosen example best supports the classical or neoclassical perspective of crime. Explain your answer.

Include at least 2 academic references and cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Biological Criminal
Andrea Yates

Case summary
• Andrea Yates is known to be psychopath that drowned five of her
children in the year 2001

• Andrea drowned the children one after the other in their bathtub.
• Andrea called the police and the husband and confessed her actions
• Andrea had been confirmed to have post-partum and depressive
disorder after tying to commit suicide.

Case summary
• After the suicide attempt, she was released and given some
antidepressant medication.

• Andrea was admitted more than four times in the psychiatrist unit of
different hospitals.

• After being given Haldol , her health condition improved.
• She was later discontinued from taking the medication since the
doctor assumed she was no long psychotic.

Biology and criminality
• Andrea was a devoted Christian Woman who was also married to a devoted
Christian husband and they both had five children.

• She gave up her nursing career to homeschool her children as well as stay
with her children at home.

• After giving birth to her first child, she begun feeling sad and she begun
having strange thoughts concerning self.

• Every other subsequent preganacy advanced those feelings and also increased
her mood swings where she was diagnosed with postpartum depression.

Biology and criminality
• She begun having ...

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