SCS 100 Project 3 Final Reflection Guidelines and Rubric
Your third longer-term assignment in this course is a presentation or short paper in which you will share your question derived at the end of your observation
journal in Module Four, and discuss why it is important and how developments in the social sciences contribute to our understanding of ourselves, each other,
and the world around us.
This final reflection will assess the following course outcomes, which you focused on throughout Modules Seven and Eight:
Investigate major developments in the progression of social scientific thought for informing critical questions that drive social scientific inquiry
Articulate the value of the social sciences for their impact on contemporary issues
Your third project is a presentation or short paper (you are free to choose) that explores the question you posed at the end of your observation journal. With
that question as your topic, you will explain why the answer to it is important to understanding yourself, other people, and the world around you, and how the
social sciences have developed to help us answer these important questions. Be sure your actual question is apparent on the presentation or paper.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your submission:
Explain why your question is important to you as a member of society.
Detail the major developments in social science thinking that drive questions regarding studying the individual. Use course resources to back up
your discussion.
Explain how finding the answer to your question might impact others around you. For instance, who might be most invested in the answer?
Detail the major developments in social science thinking that drive questions regarding studying others. Use course resources to back up your
Explain why studying human behavior and identity is a valuable human endeavor.
Detail the major developments in social science thinking that support the study and advancement of the social sciences as necessary and valuable.
Use course resources to back up your discussion.
Supporting Work and Resources
Throughout Modules Seven and Eight, there are supports you will use as you work directly on different elements of the final reflection.
1. In Module Four, you submitted your observation journal. Review your submission and the feedback for this assignment via the Project Two submission
link in the Grades section of the course. Use the question you created from your observation journal for your final reflection. You are free to incorporate
any feedback from your instructor on this question into your final reflection.
2. In Module Six, you submitted a micro-presentation or short answer response to give you an opportunity to practice elements of the final submission. For
this assignment, you reflected on what you considered to be some of the most significant developments covered in Modules Five and Six and addressed
the following:
a. Identify the developments and how they impact individuals or larger groups/cultures.
b. Describe how the developments changed society’s understanding. How is the development applicable outside of the social sciences?
View this submission and the feedback for this assignment via the Grades section of the course and incorporate this assignment into your final reflection.
3. If you choose to submit a presentation instead of a paper, you may use PowerPoint, Prezi, or another presentation platform of your choosing. Reference
the Supporting Resources document for instructions on how to use different presentation programs. Be sure to include notes as needed in your
presentation in order to meet the outlined critical elements.
4. In Module Seven, it was suggested for you to work on Section III of your project. If completed, use this as well as the instructor feedback when working
toward your final submission.
5. Module Eight includes a Final Reflection Submission Checklist that you can use to ensure you have met all the requirements of this project. Your
instructor is available to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have as you work to finalize your final reflection.
Guidelines for Submission: Your actual question must be apparent on the presentation or in the short paper. If you choose to write a short paper, it should be
double spaced and 1 to 2 pages in length. Note for students choosing the presentation option: If using Prezi, be sure to include a Word document with notes.
If using PowerPoint, be sure to include speaker notes.
Critical Elements
Importance of
Studying the
Studying Others
Human Endeavor
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates mature awareness
of the connections between the
question and being a member of
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
examples chosen demonstrate
insight into social science
Proficient (85%)
Explains why the question is
important as a member of
Needs Improvement (55%)
Explains why the question is
important as a member of
society but is overly generalized
Not Evident (0%)
Does not explain why the
question is important as a
member of society
Details major developments in
social science thinking that drive
questions that support studying
the individual, using course
resources to back up arguments
Does not detail major
developments in social science
thinking that drive questions
that support studying the
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates mature awareness
of the connections between the
answer to the question and
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
examples chosen demonstrate
insight into social science
Explains how finding the answer
to the question might impact
Details major developments in
social science thinking that drive
questions that support studying
the individual, but does not
utilize course resources to back
up arguments, is cursory, or has
Explains how finding the answer
to the question might impact
others but is overly generalized
Does not explain how finding the
answer to the question might
impact others
Does not detail major
developments in social science
thinking that drive questions
that support studying others
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
details demonstrate insight into
social scientific study
Explains why studying human
behavior a nd identity is a
valuable human endeavor
Details major developments in
social science thinking that drive
questions that support studying
others, but does not utilize
course resources to back up
arguments, is cursory, or has
Explains why studying human
behavior a nd identity is a
valuable human endeavor but is
overly generalized
Does not explain why studying
human behavior and identity is a
valuable human endeavor
Details major developments in
social science thinking that drive
questions that support studying
others, using course resources to
back up arguments
Critical Elements
Study and
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
examples chosen illustrate a
strong argument for the value of
social scientific study
Proficient (85%)
Details the major influences on
social science thinking that
support the study and
advancement of the social
sciences as necessary, using
course resources to back up
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a
professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Needs Improvement (55%)
Details major i nfluences on
social science thinking that
support the study and
advancement of the social
sciences as necessary, but does
not utilize course resources to
back up arguments, is cursory, or
has inaccuracies
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Not Evident (0%)
Does not detail major i nfluences
on social science thinking that
support the study of the social
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
SCS 100 Project 3 Paper Exemplar
My social scientific question is, how do cognitive biases influence our behaviors to
adhere to gender stereotypes? Cognitive biases impact our perception of others. I have learned
throughout this course that our perception influences the assumptions we make about others,
which in turn influences our behavior. My question is important because it begins to question
why we do what we do. It is important to me as a member of society because I engage in
behaviors that adhere to gender stereotypes and I want to understand the motivation behind these
behaviors. I would use this information to make an informed decision about continuing to adhere
to these stereotypes.
Major developments within the social sciences have changed the way we study
individuals. According to the History of Psychology Timeline in Module Three, cognitive
psychology, which was created in 1956, is focused on cognitive states and studying concepts
such as cognitive biases. It was the development of this subfield that led to key understandings
of how our brain processes and perceives. In turn, this led to understanding of how unconscious
biases influence our behavior.
There have been major developments within the field of social science that have
impacted the way groups of people have been studied. Gender inequality within the United
States is important, but it is also important to look outside of the United States. In Module Three,
we learned that globalization has led to more research being done in other countries and that new
technology has led to rapid dissemination of news stories from all over the globe. These
advancements have allowed us to read about stories like that of Malala, who was shot because
she was a girl who wanted to go to school. These major developments have made it possible for
us to see the importance of gender equality research. In the Sociology and Anthropology
Timeline in Module Three, we learned that towards the middle of the twentieth century, myths of
racial difference were debunked by sociologists and anthropologists in North America. These
research findings are major developments that were the foundation for policy change that called
for greater equality. The timeline also highlights the current notion that research can be a form of
social activism.
Social scientific research has changed in the face of globalization and new technology.
The Module Three overview describes how neuroimaging techniques have led to advancements
in identifying structures of the brain associated with perception, love, altruism, and aggression.
Therefore, new neuroimaging technology is a major development within the social sciences that
has led to us understanding concepts like prejudice and identifying cognitive biases.
An overall general trend toward equality is highlighted in the American Psychological
Association’s Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major Goal 3: Ethical and Social
Responsibility in a Diverse World. A trend in social science toward greater equality allows for
researchers to focus on important questions like understanding gender inequality.
Finding the answer to this question would be beneficial to all members of society because
it would create a better understanding of why we do what we do. Without conscious awareness of
our own biases and the shortcuts our brain makes, we can jump to conclusions without objective
evidence. Understanding why we engage in gender stereotypes might allow us to make changes to
our behavior if we do not wish to perpetuate certain stereotypes. This information would be useful
to individuals, families, couples, and even businesses. Gender differences continue to be present
within leadership positions in businesses. Finding the answer to my question may be useful to
understanding why businesses and corporations continue to adhere to gender stereotypes and why
women continue to be left out of positions of power.
The American Psychological Association’s Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology
Major Goal 3, guideline 3.3b, describes the importance of recognizing potential for prejudice and
discrimination in oneself and others, and 3.3e explains the importance of being able to articulate
psychology’s role in developing, designing, and disseminating public policy. These guidelines
highlight the importance of studying human behavior. First, studying human behavior leads to
recognition of one’s own and others’ prejudices, for example, continuing to behave in ways that
perpetuate current stereotypes. Second, studying human behavior can also lead to changing and
developing public policy, which means that the information learned about prejudice can be
disseminated to inform public policy change and hopefully contribute to the betterment of
Observation Journal
Joshua Stultz
Southern New Hampshire University
Observational Journal
Understanding the social, economic, and political developments of a particular people is
crucial. Therefore, to convey precise information through advertisements, having detailed
background information regarding the people's culture is essential as it will help know the type
of information to convey. It will also help group the people according to their age, and social
background will prevent passing any irrelevant or inappropriate information. For instance, the
advertisements are chosen, namely: Diaderm Anti-wrinkle cream print, Garnier: Hide Yesterday
print, Whirlpool: Finding Time Transcript video, and the 1960's Camel where a man belongs
print are types used to communicate the desired information.
1. Why these ads?
Answering the question on the reason for choosing the ads was based on the fact that
each ad had a spectacular feature. The first ad-Diaderm Anti-wrinkle cream is a print form that
says explicitly all about the skin's aging process, and using the cream will prevent wrinkles. It
has a unique message regarding preserving skin beauty. Ad 2 about Garnier: Hide Yesterday is
also a print. The most outrageous part about this advertisement is that it can keep the skin
hydrated and improve the skin texture provided its product is regularly used. Moreover, it has
aided in the removal of dark spots within the skin. Ad 3, titled Whirlpool: Finding Time
Transcript a video, has a unique message about how parents can save more time with their
children by avoiding time to pre-heat food. Advertisement 4 promotes cigarette smoking,
particularly the Camel brand but the most epic thing about this ad is that a male character has
been put in play. Lighting the cigarette using a lamp poses lots of questions.
2. Assumptions and objectives
Human behaviors and interactions have played a significant role in elaborating the
advertisements. Firstly, understanding the audience each ad targets was important. For instance,
the first ad about the anti-wrinkle cream has couple-like characters in the display from when they
were young to their old age. The best-fit audience is generally adults who are slowly growing
old. For the second advert about Garnier: Hide Yesterday, the print display a group of people
lined up while the first one shakes hands with the older man. Therefore, the most suitable
audience for this ad would be young adults and old folks. The third ad mainly focuses on parents
who should try hard to find ample time for their children. The fourth ad about Camel cigarettes
targets adult males who smoke tobacco.
Each of the four ads has specific information to deliver (Hanaysha, 2016). For example,
the first ad emphasizes the importance of maintaining smooth skin with no wrinkles. The second
advertisement elaborates more on promoting healthy and hydrated skin. The third ad tries to
show that children need more time with their parents, but it is not applied due to the daily and
busy livelihood. Moreover, the fourth advert illustrates that camel cigarettes deliver the best
experience to any smoker. The relationship among the people used in the advertisements should
be well evaluated. Diadem ad uses the same male and female-only that their ages have been
progressed and it is crystal that the two adults could be husband and wife. Garnier's
advertisement has quite a number of characters. In other words, the situation exhibited is one that
a young man is presented before the parents of his fiancée and has to be well equipped in terms
of language and manners such as greetings. The third ad is entailing different families whose
kids do not have enough time with their parents. The relationship between the parents and the
children would be enhanced using Whirlpool. Where a man belongs is an advert that explains
how the male gender and camel cigarettes are strong. The males are the most candidates when it
comes to tobacco smoking. Analytically, the people used in the advertisements have gladly
embraced the products. The increased consumption of the products would measure the
effectiveness of the advertisements. These ads are well scrutinized and convincing in that the
customers will be moved by what the products can accomplish, and the decisions likely to be
made will be purchasing them adequately.
3. Topics related
From my analysis, the advertisements share controversial content with some topics in
Social Science, which is a course entitled to study human behaviors. The listed advertisements
have employed various topics from the course to help navigate through the hearts of the people
more easily. First, anthropology is relevant to the advertisements when it comes to
comprehending man's evolution, especially the third ad about Whirlpool where parents have
become busier than it was in earlier days. Psychology is another topic indulged in making the
advertisements. For instance, the 1960 Camel ad needs the customer to have a more in-depth
insight in choosing the best product by first analyzing its significance. On the other hand,
sociology plays a significant role in making the ads suitable and relevant in that the first and
second ads are mainly for a domestic setting where people live in harmony (Kertzer, 2009).
4. Question
As a social scientist, criticizing and scrutinizing the advertisements would lead to a
question that requires a relevant answer from the basis of the ads. How do adults maintain
healthy, hydrated, and beautiful skin while parents create more ample time to spend with their
children? This question is developed under the information that parents have become too busy
for their kids in the current era. Also, due to modernized foods' consumption, people have
inferior skins that do not correspond to their ages. Conclusively, the four adverts will effectively
combat the above issues more profoundly through the products being advertised.
Hanaysha, J. (2016). The Importance of Social Media Advertisements in Enhancing Brand
Equity: A Study on Fast Food Restaurant Industry in Malaysia. International Journal Of
Innovation, Management, And Technology, 7(2), 46-51.
Kertzer, D. (2009). Social Anthropology and Social Science History. Social Science
History, 33(1), 1-16.
Societal Development
Joshua Stultz
Southern New Hampshire University
Societal Development
Identify the developments and how they impact individuals or larger groups/cultures:
Some significant developments include technological advancement and improved human
thinking. Technology is a huge milestone in the current world. Different cultures, groups and
individuals have benefited from advanced technology. It has created a huge platform for
individuals all over the world have to air different ideas they have. As well as, put them in a
position to sell and buy goods and services from any provider from any country. This enables
them to share their culture and enjoy economic growth and understanding.
Describe how the developments changed society’s understanding. How is the
development applicable outside of the social sciences? The above developments have changed
the understanding of the society in such a way that individuals have to learn ways they can live
better. Despite various information obtained from social media and the internet, society has
learned to think first, ask questions and conduct adequate research before responding to any
action (Firestein, 2013).
Firestein, S. (2013). The Pursuit of Ignorance. Stuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance | TED
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