1.According to the Civil Rights Act of the year 1964, employers should be able to accommodate all the employees whose beliefs in religion may not be consistent with some of the rules or duties of their job as long as the accommodation will not result in unbearable difficulty on the working environment (Rosenzweig, 1996). Therefore, as long as the religious beliefs do not cause the workplace to have an unbearable attitude, corporations should provide accommodations for their employees to practice religion.
One of the reasons why corporations should accommodate religious diversities is to create a work environment where employees feel motivated and respected by their bosses. In a work environment where there is no religious tolerance, employees feel out of place and are not self-motivated to work. If the employees are allowed to practice their religious beliefs provided that they do not seriously interfere with normal operations, then they feel motivated and appreciated.
Corporations should accommodate all religious beliefs as a way of showing their compliance with the law requirements. In cases where corporations do not accommodate different religious beliefs, an employee could easily sue the corporation, which can cause it to incur costs for the defense as well ruin the reputation of the corporation. Failure to comply with the law lowers the reputation of a company and could easily repel clients who have their religious beliefs being opposed.
Additionally, accommodating different religious beliefs can help retain some top talent that could have otherwise been lost if they practice the religion that is not accommodated. In a work environment, the most important element in an individual is not their cultural or religious background but the talent and expertise that will increase on a corporation’s productivity
2.Today with different people having different religious faiths and beliefs, the constitution clearly states that each one of us got the freedom of worship. The constitution also goes ahead and prohibits the employers from discriminating their workers based on their religious beliefs under the civil rights act of 1994. Religions in this case include Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism among others. On the other hand, religious beliefs include those that focus on believing in God and the moral beliefs that help one to differentiate right from wrong from a religious perspective. For this reason, corporations should give room for their employees to exercise their religious beliefs. This is because some beliefs are too sincere to be negotiated for.
A good example of accommodating the employees’ religious beliefs is case whereby a certain religion prohibits its followers from working on Sabbath days. By denying Sabbath-day-offs to those believers, the organization will be submitting them under religious discrimination which is unethical and at the same time unconstitutional. For this reason, the organization management should pay attention to the religious beliefs of their employees as this would help to eliminate undue misappropriations in the organization.
In addition to this, the employers must not force the workers towards doing things that are against their religious beliefs. Things such as the mode of dressing and drawing of tattoos should be optional as doing them would be an abomination for some believers. Another important aspect of accommodating the religious beliefs of the employees is a case whereby the believers are supposed to hold prayer meetings on a specific day and time. The organizations management should put this into consideration by setting aside a place for the employees to hold such meetings when need be. For this reason, it is the responsibility of every organization management to create room for accommodating the religious beliefs of the employees.
Explanation & Answer
Hello. Please review the attached assignment and give feedback where necessary. Thanks.
Topic: Accommodating Employees
Thesis statement:
Religious employees are confronted with conflicts emanating from their employment obligations
on one hand and their religious obligations on the other. Thus, many laws both at the state and
local level require the employers to make various accommodations to such obligations.
The paper is a classmate’s response on the issue under the provisions of Title VII.
Accommodating Employees
Institutional Affiliation