Killers of the Flower Moon Essay

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Killers of the Flower Moon Essay Assignment

Having read the book and familiarized yourself with the state of Native Americans, you will write an essay arguing whether the Osage deserve reparations or not. For your introduction, start by introducing the broad context or background of institutional racism, social justice, and Native Americans. Concisely introduce the book and then end the intro with your position. Each of your body paragraph should have a direct reason for your position. Bring in the issues of constitutional rights, the guardianship program, and the investigation. As you support your position try to also address some of the counterarguments. In your conclusion, reword your thesis and then broaden back out to our country’s relationship with Native Americans and social justice in general. The essay needs to be a minimum of four pages.

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Explanation & Answer

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Surname 1

Killers of the flower moon
My position
The Osage tribe needs to be compensated.

Social injustice victims are social justice means justice in distributing social
amenities, opportunities, and privileges in society. Therefore, they need to be
compensated since getting a fair allocation of social amenities will grant them their
constitutional rights hence living in peace.

They can have a home- everyone needs to have a home since it gives one a sense of
belonging. The Osage were displaced and moved, forcing most of them to remain

So they can have a source of income- the tribe was displaced into a rocky, infertile
land where they could no longer till the land to plant food for their consumption.

So they could have their properties back. The tribe was one of the wealthy tribes who
were later stripped of their properties and left under their guardians' care. They need
to have their hard-earned properties, which also translates to them enjoying their
constitutional rights that state everyone has a right to own property in America.

Surname 2

They were denied their constitutional rights- constitutional rights are those privileges
citizens possess under the country's constitution that give them the freedom of
performing a specific task without being criticized by anyone.

Counter argument
Even though the tribe was displaced from their fertile land, the rock and hilly places they
moved to become more lucrative than the previous land since there are oil deposits that are
precious to them. This makes them even get the chance to become wealthier than before since
they have a precious resource that everyone undoubtedly needs. Thus, I can say that they do not
need to be compensated since they have been given wealth indirectly, making them richer.

Outline for the essay

Explanation on the context of institutional racism- the racist attitude of the white men and
women, is well demonstrated in the book by Grann, especially to the Osage tribe that
resulted in the societal treatment of the members of this tribe. They were forcefully
displaced and forced to live on the rocky, infertile, and hilly land.

Explanation about social justice- social justice means justice in distributing social
amenities, opportunities, and privileges in society. There was a social injustice case
where the Osage tribe were forcefully evicted on their productive land and forced to
move on rocky land. The theme of social injustice is depicted in this scenario.

A brief explanation about Native Americans-the Native Americans is believed to have
come from a population that split from the East Asians over three decades ago. Their
ancestors, who are from Asia, came to America via Beringia.

Surname 3

Introduction of the book killers of the flower moon- the book talks about the story of the
native tribe referred to as the Osage Indians that managed to become the wealthiest tribe
in the world due to the oil deposits under their land in the city of Oklahoma.

Stating of my position about what the book talks about- the tribe needs to be
compensated because of the various incidences of social injustices directed to them,
unconstitutional. They ne...

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