MGT 322 SEU Logistic Function Fast Food Brand Question

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MGT 322

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College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Assignment 1 Deadline: 6/3/2021 @ 23:59 Course Name: Logistics Management Student’s Name: Course Code: MGT322 Student’s ID Number: Semester: II CRN: Academic Year: 1441/1442 H For Instructor’s Use only Instructor’s Name: Students’ Grade: Level of Marks: Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer. • Late submission will NOT be accepted. • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism). • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted. Logistics Management ASSIGNMENT -1 Submission Date by students: Before the end of Week- 7th Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre Weight: 05 Marks Learning Outcome: 1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies. 2. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership. Assignment Workload: This assignment is an individual assignment. Critical Writing The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should search and review about these companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course. Suggest logistics performance priorities for any ONE of the following; explain why you have come to your conclusions: 1) A low fare Airline FLYNAS (Service) OR 2) A fast food chain Such as Dominos (Product) The Answer must follow the outline points below: 1. Executive summary (1Mark, word count rage 300-500) - Summarize what is logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the company’s objective. 2. Background information (1Mark, word count rage 300-500) - Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc). 3. Problem Description (1Marks, word count rage 300-500) - Describe the objectives clearly and specifically. - The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement. 4. Results by using application of logistics and SCM concepts/tools that applied (1Mark) - Describe what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use. 5. References (1 Marks) Note: The Answer should be of each point in the range of 300 to- 500 word counts. Each point carrying 1 Mark. Use APA style of referencing X Х 단 + Bb علي الخدمات الإلكترون X الجامعة السعودية X X Originality Repo Bb x Review Submiss X Bing Microsoft b | Bing Microsoft b | ~ SOLUTION: MGT F Blackboard o SafeAssign Originality Report (Current Semester-ul caill) MGT-322: Logistics Management 22649-Dammam-... · Assignment 1 • Submitted on Thu, Mar 04, 2021, 10:10 PM View Originality Report - Old Design haifa alharbi View Report Summary Attachment 1 Assignment 1 MGT322.docx 100 % Sources INCLUDED SOURCES LU- Juu voiu Curls. Cali polnil Canly 15 I IVICIN. USCATA DIC ULICICI CHICIN15 Answers: A fast-food chain such as Dominos (Product) 1. Executive summary: (2 The world is changing like never before. The deep penetration of internet and technology in the system and so- ciety has significantly disrupted the consumer behavior and expectations. It has become extremely im- portant for the organizations across the globe to benchmark its core activities and function to meet the consumer expectation, and stay relevant in the market. Covid-19 crisis has significantly accelerated the growth rate of that change. Multiple sectors like consumer-packaged goods, retail, automobile, and sup- ply chain have witnessed dynamic disruption in the past decade itself. This disruption is the outcome of deep penetration of Technology and Internet in the system and society. Advancements in the field of Technology and Internet have had a significant impact on the World Economy. These advanced sys- tems and processes have brought higher efficiency to the day-to-day operations of human lives and have had enormous impact on the 'Nature of Work' of the system and society. Logistics and Supply chain management is one such key levers and functions of the Operations domain. These functions influ- ence multiple metrics that are critical to customer satisfaction. Each and every organization across the globe put high emphasis on logistics and supply chain functions as it is the key performance indicator of the companies' operations. Organizations has a certain set of priorities and objectives with respect to its domains and function. These list of priorities and objectives are directly proportional to the top-line growth of the organization. In accordance to the statement mentioned before, the company has certain set of objectives, priorities and goals with respect to the Logistics and Supply chain management. Logistics performance priorities are the certain set of objectives and goals that should be achieved Institutional database (2) 100 % Student paper Student paper Top sources Submission UUID Attachment UUID: Word Count: 1,853 Submitted on: 03/04/21 09b9c128-0860-3146-a0e3-2b67dc6dc8a3 4373fa22-f09c-Oc00-19a4-4daa2c1073a3 elele 3/4/2021 E IK ارتباطات ( a HH اكتب هنا للبحث Q 1 X Х 단 X Review ВЫ ع الخدمات X الجامعة X | SOLUTI + Bing Mi b ~ Bing Mi by X Original Bb x Bing Mi b Bing Mi | * SOLUTI E Report/ultra?course_id=_83902_1&includeDeleted=true&attemptld=2cbb5f49-7b5e-4552-b1b4-b8... Blackboard o SafeAssign Originality Report (Current Semester-ul caii)MGT-322: Logistics Management 22649-Dammam.... • Assignment 1 • Submitted on Fri, Mar 05, 2021, 11:08 PM View Originality Report - Old Design haifa alharbi View Report Summary Attachment 1 Assignment 1 MGT3222.docx 69 % Sources INCLUDED SOURCES the competitive market, it has become extremely important for the businesses to innovate and become sustainable in the market. Considering the case of Dominos, the company has created strong brand equity in the market that has resulted in high intensity of consumer loyalty. Strong brand equity is the result of high performance in terms of delivering products/services and exceeding customer expecta- tions that results in consumer loyalty and preference of the brand every moment the customer opt for the particular level of products and service. Customers expects the same level of service every time they avail or consider dominos for their needs and requirements. Dominos has a clear set of goals and ob- jectives that helps them to success customer expectations. Some of the key goals and objectives with respects to logistics and process improvement activities are as follows: · Ensuring high product and service quality · Excellent customer support and service · Maintain a healthy relationship with all levels of stakeholders These are the clear set of goals and objectives of the fast-food chain dominos to maintain a competitive advantage with respect to its competitors and being better than them at each level of service. 4. Results by using application of logistics and SCM concepts/tools that applied By Dominos It has become very important than ever for the businesses around the globe to improve their systems and processes to meet customer needs and requirements. Having said that, covid-19 and other series of multiple events has forced the businesses to create a sustainable business model that is resilient to ad- versity and on-going crisis. It has exposed multiple loop holes across systems and functions. Dominos applies series of logistics and supply chain management concepts and tools to deliver better service to Institutional database (2) 50 % > Internet (6) 19 % > Top sources Submitted on: Submission UUID: Attachment UUID: Word Count: 1,834 03/05/21 e9549685-2c67-e21e-bb6f-f9c2086a89a1 388dc674-2bd1-e0ee-a895-4764f7acf23c 11:10 3/5/2021 ENG IK ارتباطات ( a JOU o اكتب هنا للبحث Q 1
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A fast-food chain Such as Dominos (Product)
1. Executive summary:
The world is changing like never before. The deep penetration of internet and
technology in the system and society has significantly disrupted the consumer behavior
and expectations. It has become extremely important for the organizations across the
globe to benchmark its core activities and function to meet the consumer expectation, and
stay relevant in the market.
Covid-19 crisis has significantly accelerated the growth rate of that change.
Multiple sectors like consumer-packaged goods, retail, automobile, and supply chain
have witnessed dynamic disruption in the past decade itself. This disruption is the
outcome of deep penetration of Technology and Internet in the system and society.
Advancements in the field of Technology and Internet have had a significant
impact on the World Economy. These advanced systems and processes have brought
higher efficiency to the day-to-day operations of human lives and have had enormous
impact on the ‘Nature of Work’ of the system and society.
Logistics and Supply chain management is one such key levers and functions of
the Operations domain. These functions influence multiple metrics that are critical to
customer satisfaction. Each and every organization across the globe put high emphasis on
logistics and supply chain functions as it is the key performance indicator of the
companies’ operations.
Organizations has a certain set of priorities and objectives with respect to its
domains and function. These list of priorities and objectives are directly proportional to

the top-line growth of the organization. In accordance to the statement mentioned before,
the company has certain set of objectives, priorities and goals with respect to the
Logistics and Supply chain management. Logistics performance priorities are the certain
set of objectives and goals that should be achieved to enable smooth operations and
functioning of the Supply chain and logistics management of the organization.
In the context of this report, we have carried out extensive analysis on fast food
chain dominos.
2. History, Growth & Financials:
Dominos was founded in the year 1960 in the state of Michigan. The original
name of the restaurant service was ‘Dominick’. The two brothers Tom Monaghan &
James Monaghan took over the operations of the restaurant service and changed the name
due to conflict of interest with the previous owner in the context of name of the store. The
restaurant service was finally named ‘Dominos’ after the suggestion given by one of the
employees of the venture.
James Monaghan handed over the complete business to his brother Tom
Monaghan by trading Volkswagen beetle and taking complete control over the
In the year 1965, Dominos had three stores in Michigan. The company grew
rapidly over the period of years due to its strong and attractive product portfolio.
Currently, Dominos is the largest pizza chain and it is present in more than 16000
locations in more than 90 countries across the globe. In the U.S. alone, the company has
more than 5000 franchised stores and Internationally, the company has more than 16000
franchised stores. The companies’ major source of income is its supply chain and,

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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