South University Diversity Hiring Policy Essay

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South University


Diversity Hiring Policy: Part III

Part III asks you to develop a plan for sustainment and in-service training as well as address the future of diversity hiring and other final issues pertinent to the discussion you wish to include. These final issues could include your professional experiences related to diversity hiring and sustainment training.

Law Enforcement Organizations face an increasing struggle with hiring police officers. Additionally, there is a need to consider assembling a police force that resembles the communities that are being served. An increased focus on civil liberties, the rise to prominence of advocacy groups such as Black Lives Matter and police-involved shootings have all combined to create an urgency for law enforcement agencies to be responsive to the need for diversity within the force.

For this Part III of the assignment you will continue your search of best practices for diversity hiring, look at curriculum used by at least one police agency in its academy training, and develop a plan to incorporate diversity issues into academy and sustainment training. Identify the specific elements that would be incorporated into the academy training to include the total hours devoted to that component. Sustainment training should be identified as well, including frequency of training and who would be required to attend that training.The final element of this assignment asks you to address the future of diversity hiring. You can use professional experiences (if you have them) here, add your own critical analysis of the problem, and/or include a section that addresses a specific related issue within the topic of diversity hiring. For example, can our law enforcement agencies effectively recruit, train, and hire themselves toward a more diverse and inclusive force?

Part III should be 3-5 pages, written in APA format, and include at least two peer-reviewed references not previously used, and at least one review of a law enforcement academy curriculum. It should be combined with the first two parts of the assignment and submitted as Diversity Hiring Policy: Part III

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Diversity Hiring Policy: Part III – Outline
Thesis Statement: A comprehensive curriculum is required in diversity programs to ensure
successful sustainability training.

Curriculum for Academy Diversity Training
A. A curriculum is essential in any training
B. The curriculum of this training covered many issues that are challenging to police


Diversity Training Component
A. The implicit bias training has not been very effective in controlling biased policing
B. Cultural Awareness


Cultural awareness will be integral in this diversity program
C. Managing Implicit Police Bias


Implicit bias is the main cause of American police acting discriminately
Future of Diversity Hiring
A. Cultural Skills


The need for a culturally diverse police force will continue even in the future
B. Intercultural Communication


Successful policing depends on good communication


Diversity Hiring Policy: Part III



Diversity Hiring Policy: Part III

Many law enforcement agencies in America have embraced diversity training to control
racially biased police actions. These actions have soiled the reputation of American police. The
police agencies have initiated the diversity training independently. They have not been pressured
by the government, public, or advocacy groups. What the public has been calling for is policing
reforms. Nonetheless, since implicit bias is the cause of the incidents that have sparked the
debate about the need for reforms, ending it would transform American police more
conveniently. Diversity training seeks to improve the cultural competency of the police force.
The competency improves the police relations with people of different backgrounds. Sustainment
training is a critical aspect of diversity training. This training focuses on changing the mindsets
of police. It removes their previous mindsets that made their decision-making processes to be
influenced by the stereotyp...

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