Watch Tammy’s Story and review Bo’s Supplemental Information in the link above, writing assignment help

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For this Assignment, you will be completing an assessment based on Bo’s story.


Assessment Form Template

Bo’s Supplemental Information

Sample Assessment Form

Watch Tammy’s Story and review Bo’s Supplemental Information in the link above.

You are encouraged to use all of the information that Bo shares in the supplemental information when completing your assessment. Complete the Assessment form in as much detail as possible using the information presented about Bo and the instructions below. The links for the video and transcript are located below.

The assessment is the stepping stone to helping clients clarify their goals and change objectives, so be sure to apply all three levels of the Ecological Model from Chapter 3. The assessment should accurately reflect the interrelationship between Bo and his environment and his presenting situation.

The assessment should also reflect the NOHS Code of Ethics and strengths-based assessment and service recommendation. Culture should be respectfully factored into the assessment as well.

Client safety and risk assessment should be accurate, clearly documented, and reflect critical-thinking skills. Safety plans should be included if appropriate. Substance history should be thoroughly and accurately completed.

The diagnostic impression and clinical summary should reflect critical thinking. They should also be clear, least restrictive, strengths-based, and written in understandable (jargon-free) language.

Recommendations and disposition should reflect critical thinking. They should also reflect an ecological framework and address the presenting situation and recommendations from a person-in-environment perspective.

All fields in the assessment form should be properly completed and open-text narrative sections should be clearly documented with relevant details or explanations as needed.

Sign and date the form appropriately by typing your name, Bo’s name (his first name is fine) and Tammy’s name, since Bo is a minor, and the date completed at the end of the assessment.

If you encounter questions or areas in the form that do not apply to Bo, you may enter “none” or “client chooses not to answer.” State licensing standards do not usually allow the use of “n/a” in these forms. Some of the check-box areas in the form only need to be completed if they apply to your client; you do not have to type in “none” on those unless it asks for this. You do have to type something in all the open narrative places in the form or type “none.”

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Explanation & Answer


Client Assessment Form
Institutional Affiliation

Course: HN330
Assessment Form
Client Name: Bo
Date of Birth: September 5th, 2003
Date of Assessment: November 26th, 2016
Presenting Situation
Bo discusses with me the difficulties of growing up in a small rural community and how difficult
life can sometimes be. Before the death of his grandparents, the client, shares with me that he
used to go to church with his grandpa Bill who provided safer heaven for him when he was
younger. The client reports that he misses the feeling of community which he felt form his
church family. The client cried about how difficult it has been for him to lose all his grandparents
and his father. His grandpa died of lung cancer as a result of whole life smoking. His father died
of alcoholism. The client shares with me that he has been smoking cigarettes as result of peer
influence. The client is afraid of where he lives and the kind of cloths he wears and in most cases
he misses school and instead spends most of the time hanging out with friends. He has been
struggling with bad health since he has not had regular healthcare. The client reports of loosing
several of his teeth to decay and he is in need of serious dental care. The client has been abusing
drugs since he was 10. He reports that he wants to feel better about himself and want to restore
his life back to normal. The client wants a serious help from the agency in order to enable him
feel better about himself.

Strengths and Resources
The client is able to identify the cause of his problems and this means the client can be made to
avoid situations that results into his current condition. The client has the ability to change since
he is able to depict why he is like he is currently. In this regard the client is lucky since he has a
brother whom he is able to identify as his role model. Agencies such our agency provides
essential services that will enable the client recover from his current situation.
Bo also has supportive mother Tammy and Brother Matt who provides support and guidance to
Potential Barriers
The potential barriers that exist currently in clients situation is the problem of addiction and peer
influence. Since the client is easily influenced by the wrong friends to play video games and

roam around the streets instead of going to school, this presents a potential barrier for the client
to effectively deal with his current situation. Another barrier is the substance addiction. Since the
client has been abusing drugs since he was 10, this presents a potential barrier for him to move
from his current situation. These barriers can be easily dealt with through the help of the case
Culture and Language Considerations
There are no serious cultural or language issues with the client but the client’s mother reports
that the client might be having a serious learning issues which his mother is requesting additional
Current Cl...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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