Unit 2 Mastery Assignment: Program Specific Case Study Analysis #1
Assignment: For this assignment-you are being asked to submit a research based analysis report over a Program Specific Case Study.
The parameters are as follows:
Please click on the link on the menu to your left that is specific to your program. Here-you will find a Case Study labeled "Case Study Analysis # 1"
- You will provide a case study analysis report.
- It must be a minimum of 3,000 words (excluding title page and references).
- It must include a separate title page.
- It must include a separate reference page.
- It must include a minimum of eight scholarly or professional citations written within the last five years.
- At least four of the eight references must originate from peer-reviewed journals.
- Use of the Southwestern College Deets Library is required.
- APA format is required for the case study analysis report.
- There are excellent APA resources available via the SC Writing Center in Academic Resources in this Blackboard course.
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