Southwestern College AAC User Interface for a New Application Case Study

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Southwestern College


Unit 2 Mastery Assignment: Program Specific Case Study Analysis #1

Assignment: For this assignment-you are being asked to submit a research based analysis report over a Program Specific Case Study.

The parameters are as follows:

Please click on the link on the menu to your left that is specific to your program. Here-you will find a Case Study labeled "Case Study Analysis # 1"

  • You will provide a case study analysis report.
  • It must be a minimum of 3,000 words (excluding title page and references).
  • It must include a separate title page.
  • It must include a separate reference page.
    • It must include a minimum of eight scholarly or professional citations written within the last five years.
    • At least four of the eight references must originate from peer-reviewed journals.
    • Use of the Southwestern College Deets Library is required.
  • APA format is required for the case study analysis report.
    • There are excellent APA resources available via the SC Writing Center in Academic Resources in this Blackboard course.

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Session 2 Project 2 Create a User Interface for a New Application Synopsis: An aerospace company has decided to update their technology to something more modern and efficient. The segment of the task that requires your attention is in regard to the inventory system. This system will need to collect information and store it into a database for each aircraft. This particular segment focuses on the wheel assembly. Description: An aerospace company, called AAC, is restructuring its internal technology processes. AAC is a large corporation that develops and assembles airplanes and cutting-edge craft for several markets, including commercial and defense. These craft include large passenger jets, attack aircraft, as well as spaceflight technologies. The company has chosen to create a new database system to manage its incredibly large and complex parts inventory. You work as an application software designer for an international corporation that has received the contract to create the system, IBN. You are the primary designer and business interface between IBN and AAC. You will design the User Interfaces that will be implemented. IBN’s specialists have already determined which software language and database that the application will be created with. In addition, they have determined the first two modules that will be implemented Aircraft Information Entry and Wheel Assembly Subsystems. Aircraft Basic Information Entry: These screens will allow for creating and editing of a new aircraft. It will include the aircraft name, first assembly date, chief designer, description of use, the primary customer, and a list of parts suppliers. Wheel Assembly Subsystems: These screens will allow for the entry of all parts required for the assembly, the number on-hand, the price for the part, and a description of the part. As the designer of the user interface, you will need to consider the natural flow of information, screen structures that allow for efficiency, ease of use, and logical grouping of controls and related data. These two modules will have a minimum of six screens. Effective designs may have more, if determined to be beneficial to end users. Note that research will be required to determine more specific content of the screens. Expert sources from Deets Library and other professional credible sources will be required to complete this assignment. Therefore, the sources will need to be cited to acknowledge credit for their contributions for concepts, ideas, and facts. The minimum screens are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Control Panel Aircraft Search Screen Add/Update Aircraft Information Screen Add/Update Wheel Assembly Subsystems List All Aircraft List All Wheel Assembly Parts per Aircraft Deliverables: 1. Brainstorming and sketching: you will need to sketch out your designs by hand. Add notes as necessarily to illustrate the thought process to the LPG Technology Committee. 2. Create a User Flow Diagram to illustrate how a user will interact with your system. 3. Once you have chosen a style for the UI, create a preview of each using a wireframe for each of the seven screens. 4. Finally, create a mockup of the seven screens. These can be static or a clickable prototype. The mockups can be in either PowerPoint or Word, or even submitted in HTML, as you so choose. Please submit all files as a compressed (*.zip) file via the designated Unit 2 assignment in Blackboard.
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