University of Miami Brian Thomas Moynihan Leadership Analysis Paper

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Business Finance

University of Miami


Please choose a general leader, can be a parent, a brother or sister. I just need something well written and powerful arguments... something interesting. No need of someone famous. Thank you

"This assignment entails having you learn from the life of a leader you admire by writing a brief biography about him/her, and identifying the lessons of this person’s life that are meaningful to you. You will need to research, gather, and read available materials about this individual who may represent any level of an organization or society, and who may be involved in any aspect of human endeavor. Specifically, your paper should not exceed five pages, and must include:

(1) Major accomplishments and a very brief biographical sketch;

(2) What the individual did to integrate different part of his/her life to be successful;

(3) Key traits the individual displayed (using specific material covered in class);

(4) What lessons you learned AND intend to apply from this exemplar.

You will need to describe specific leadership characteristics and your personal lessons/applications.

This assignment is due during your final exam period In addition, you should be prepared to give a brief (3 minute) presentation to the class on your chosen leader."

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Assignment 2: Leadership Analysis (100 points) This assignment entails having you learn from the life of a leader you admire by writing a brief biography about him/her, and identifying the lessons of this person’s life that are meaningful to you. You will need to research, gather, and read available materials about this individual who may represent any level of an organization or society, and who may be involved in any aspect of human endeavor. Specifically, your paper should not exceed five pages, and must include: (1) Major accomplishments and a very brief biographical sketch; (2) What the individual did to integrate different part of his/her life to be successful; (3) Key traits the individual displayed (using specific material covered in class); (4) What lessons you learned AND intend to apply from this exemplar. You will need to describe specific leadership characteristics and your personal lessons/applications. This assignment is due during your final exam period In addition, you should be prepared to give a brief (3 minute) presentation to the class on your chosen leader.
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Brian Moynihan's major accomplishments and a very brief biographical sketch.
Brian Moynihan is a businessman from America, chairman, and the Chief Executive Officer of Bank of
America (Chatterji & Toffel, 2018). Brian was promoted to be the President and the CEO in 2010. He was
born on October 9, 1959, in Marietta, Ohio, U.S. He was born in a family of eight, being the 6th child. In
1981, Brian obtained his first degree from Brown University, where he majored in history and was the
rugby team's co-captain. Moynihan married Susan Berry, who was his classmate back on campus. Before
returning to Providence, Rhode Island, to join the largest corporate law firm, he earned a Juris Doctor from
the Notre Dame Law University.
Brian Moynihan is a proud father of three children. He became the President of Consumer and Small
Business Banking at Bank of America in January 2009 after holding several banking positions. Brian, later
on, joined the Fleet Boston bank in 1993 as a deputy general counsel. He served as an Executive Vice
President from 1999 to April 2004, whereby he managed Fleet's brokerage and wealth management
division. Brian became the Chief Executive Officer of Bank of America after the stepping down of Ken
Lewis in 2010 (Hernandez, 2018). He was termed as the Chief Executive Officer of Merrill Lynch after its
sale to BOA in September 2008. Brian Moynihan was named the CEO of the year in the Chief Executives
Magazine in July 2020. Brian is now living in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and commutes between Bank of
America and Boston using Bank of America's private jets. Brian has e...

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