Why do we need to change the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth, environmental science homework help

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1. Why do we need to change the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth if we are to live well in the Anthropocene (human activities have significant global impact)? What does unlimited growth mean? Can you give an example? What if we don’t change our thinking—what will happen?

2. What are some new green technologies? Give some examples. What do you reuse, recycle or reduce? Give some examples.

3. Find an article,or website that has information relating to Human Ecology (how humans interact with their environment). They can be from any time period. Write a brief summary. Must be at least 200 words

Please do not copy and paste from the article—this will be considered plagiarism. I want you to write a short summary in your own words.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: HUMAN ECOLOGY


Human Ecology
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Unlimited growth refers to economic growth and continued expansion in human civilization in
the globe. This includes increase in industrial growth and advancing communication technology,
every day human being find new ways of earning living. This trend has made the current
generation to belief in an endless growth and tries to focus on future expectation in what is likely
to take place. The rapid growth in industrialization has led to the depletion of energy. Also,
industrialization has caused high rate of environmental pollution which has lead to effect of
global warming.
Global warming is an effect which is leading to climate change worldwide which is posing
danger to humanity. Human kind should take control of the current economic growth in or...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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