CMGT 433 University of Phoenix Wk 3 Cyber Security Action Plan Paper

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Computer Science

CMGT 433

University of Phoenix



Assignment Content

  1. An action plan is often developed to assist project leaders to effectively demonstrate what items need to be addressed when charged to create or improve a business process, program, practice, etc. A plan should break down individual requirements and issues into steps that can be tracked, indicate team member(s) responsibility, and completion (including prerequisites) dates. A plan usually includes goals, steps, assignments, and deadlines.
    The executive staff at Dayton Soft Products did not agree with your first recommendations provided in your executive summary. They asked that you go with your number 2 and number 4 recommendations, which they thought would be best for their organization. This presents a challenge to you, but you must go ahead with what your client wants.
    Create an action plan with a total of at least 10 tasks. Each task must address the following three issues:
    • Risk assessment (overall strategy)
    • Contingency planning
    • What is your plan if there is a problem? Who sets the priorities following an incident? Who is going to do what? What are the priorities? How do you keep the plan going?
    • Vulnerability management
    • What is the strategy for ongoing risk identification?
    • Once you've identified the risk, how do you mitigate the risk? What are the steps?

    You may complete this action table either as a 4- to-5-page Microsoft® Word document or as a detailed Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. The following are examples of column heading titles for a table-formatted action plan:
    • Column 1: Action Item
    • Column 2: Description/Details
    • Column 3: Person Responsible
    • Column 4: Status
    • Column 5: Due Date
    • Column 6: Prerequisites
    • Column 7: Date Completed
    • Column 8: Comments/Notes

    Note: The page assignment length requirement applies to the content of the assignment. Start the assignment with an APA formatted title page and add a reference section with at least two professional references. Use the references in the text of the assignment. If choosing the Excel format, use the cells to include your references. Do not include the assignment instructions from the document. This will improve the originality score from Safe Assign. Make sure to check the SafeAssign originality score. Individual assignments can be submitted more than once to correct any content, quality, or originality issues.

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Individual Week 3 – Action Plan Prioritizing Threats Executive Summary Content (90 points) An action plan is often developed to assist project leaders to effectively demonstrate what items need to be addressed when charged to create or improve a business process, program, practice, etc. A plan should break down individual requirements and issues into steps that can be tracked, indicate team member(s) responsibility, and completion (including prerequisites) dates. A plan usually includes goals, steps, assignments, and deadlines. The executive staff at Dayton Soft Products did not agree with your first recommendations provided in your executive summary. They asked that you go with your number 2 and number 4 recommendations, which they thought would be best for their organization. This presents a challenge to you, but you must go ahead with what your client wants. Create an action plan with a total of at least 10 tasks. Each task must address the following three issues: • Risk assessment (overall strategy) (20pts) • Contingency planning (10pts) • What is your plan if there is a problem? Who sets the priorities following an incident? Who is going to do what? What are the priorities? How do you keep the plan going? (20pts) • Vulnerability management (10pts) • What is the strategy for ongoing risk identification? (10pts) • Once you've identified the risk, how do you mitigate the risk? What are the steps? You may complete this action table either as a 4to-5-page Microsoft® Word document or as a detailed Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. The following are examples of column heading titles for a table-formatted action plan: (20pts) Column 1: Action Item • • • • • • • Column 2: Description/Details Column 3: Person Responsible Column 4: Status Column 5: Due Date Column 6: Prerequisites Column 7: Date Completed Column 8: Comments/Notes Submit your assignment. PTs 90 MEETS CRITERIA? Grade COMMENTS X out of 90 Research Assignment has research depth including at least two outside relevant peer reviewed references from course material and/or the library. Organization Assignment is organized appropriately covering all required topics in a logical sequence. Table or excel sheet is included, Title, introduction, body, conclusion and references are included in required sequence. Quality and APA: Assignment projects professional, quality image, meets academic integrity requirements. Includes MS Excel or MS Word document required by the assignment in APA format with label. Include title page and reference section. References in APA format. No spelling errors - the paper has obviously been proofread. Title and reference slides/pages do not count toward the length requirement. TOTAL POINTS FOR RESEARCH, ORGANIZATION, QUALITY, AND APA REQUIREMENTS TOTAL POINTS 10 4 6 X out of 20 (X out of 110 possible points) 11-17-19 rpg
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Running head: ACTION PLAN

Action Plan
March 3, 2020


Action Plan

Digital protection is underlined as a need in many strategic and planning reports of Dayton Soft
Products. Therefore, Dayton Soft Products is moving to send robust estimates zeroed in on
developing and fortifying cyber abilities to enlist, prevent, shielding against, and recuperating
from digital assaults. Dayton Soft Products characterized beginning stages and cybersecurity
objectives inside the Cyber Security Strategy, while the standards, objectives, needs, and cycles
of building network safety are connected to this vital and other reports notwithstanding this
significant archive. Developing digital capacities was portrayed with different exercises nearby
readiness, creation, and accommodation of vital and planning materials for the region of network
The action plan will focus on training the employees to increase their skillset and backing up
their data.

Training to increase employee skillset- educating and training the Dayton Soft Products
employees through professional certification, seminars, and conferences that would
improve their competencies and skills.


Backup data-backing up corporate data is vital, especially if it is stored electronically
(Rawlings, 2019). It is also critical the company such as Dayton Soft Products invest in a
more discrete offsite location for their data storage.

The Action Plan characterizes errands and the way of their usage, a party in question,
collaborating parties, and a period for completion (time allotment) for every individual region.
The tasks are point by point in each territory to meet the individual critical objectives of the idea



and accomplish a level where the degree of insurance of cybersecurity is deliberately expanded
in Dayton Soft Products by a framework working in a strategic, facilitated, viable and proficient
way on a legitimate premise and with the consciousness of security and its significance.
Contingency Planning and Vulnerability management

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