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UArizona Global Campus Gulfport City Budget Analysis
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UArizona Global Campus
Its in it screenshots. It's about 8-10 screenshots long double spaced..
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tl LTE
uugel antaryo
SUBJECT: Analysis of the
budget for (fiscal
In one paragraph on the cover, summarize your rating of
this budget in each of the four GFOA categories (i.e.,
Policy Document, Financial Plan, Operations Guide,
Communications Device) and your overall rating of the
budget. Use the GFOA awards scale from excellent to
not present.
The content of the paper should follow the following
Introduction: Keep this brief (one page max). Describe
the assignment and some background on the city whose
budget you are analyzing.
Analysis: This is the heart of your paper. Summarize your
rating in each area with the most important influences on
your overall rating for the category. Major sections of the
budget will include:
Policy Document
20% (12 points)
Financial Plan
40% (24 points)
Operations Guide
16% (10 points)
Communications Device
24% (14 points)
Total Points
100% (60 points)
Conclusions/Recommendation(s): This is the
summation of your argument. In some cases, you will
wish to make recommendations to the city about how to
improve the budget you have analyzed. This section
should be no longer than one page.
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PADM 325: Public Financial Resources Management
Cover page: The cover page should be a cover memo
from you, the budget analyst, to me the budget director,
and follow the following format:
TO: Professor....
FROM: (you) the budget analyst
SUBJECT: Analysis of the
budget for (fiscal
In one paragraph on the cover, summarize your rating of
this budget in each of the four GFOA categories (i.e.,
Policy Document, Financial Plan, Operations Guide,
Communications Device) and your overall rating of the
budget. Use the GFOA awards scale from excellent to
not present.
The content of the paper should follow the following
Introduction: Keep this brief (one page max). Describe
the assignment and some background on the city whose
budget you are analyzing.
Analysis: This is the heart of your paper. Summarize your
rating in each area with the most important influences on
your overall rating for the category. Major sections of the
budget will include:
Policy Document
20% (12 points)
Financial Plan
40% (24 points)
Operations Guide
16% (10 points)
Communications Device
24% (14 points)
Total Points
100% (60 points)
Conclusions/Recommendation(s): This is the
PADM 325: Public Financial Resources Management
LTE اااه
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This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.
Analyze the budget of a city of your choice.
(Phoenix, AZ is not an option.)
Review the Final Paper Expectations for a detailed
listing of what is expected.
• Submit your Final Paper by Tuesday, 11:59
p.m. CT.
• Use either the APA or MLA style in your paper
but, whatever style you choose be consistent
throughout the entire paper.
Ensure it is 8-10 double-spaced pages in
• This assignment is worth total of 60 points.
Your grade will be based on clarity (grammar
and readability), the strength of your
argument, and the use of relevant literature to
support your argument.
Start Date
Jan 11, 2021 12:00 AM
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