University of California Economic Concentration & Evidence Based Practice Paper

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Health Medical

University Of California Los Angeles


Concisely define evidenced based practice, the evolution of EBP and how barriers to EBP can be overcome. Briefly give an example of a compelling clinical question that piques your interest.

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Economic Concentration

Institution Affiliation





Part A

Federal airport Act

The Federal Airport Act of 1946 has been instrumental in increasing the physical capital.
The act which was enacted after the Second World War helped to promote the development and
upgrade of the systems within the civil airports. The development of this law would help
improve or rather conduct the physical development of the civil AIRPORTS through the
construction of airfields as well as passenger terminals. This would also help improve the
entrance roads and acquire more land that is needed for the expansion of the airports. The ACT
would help make the funds available through the planned grant program as well as from federal
sources. It would enhance the production of the airports and the ability to serve more passengers.
The same would increase safety and capital expansion. It would help even the small business to
take advantage of the new establishment and grow their reach with the expanded airports. The
economic concentration includes the tax reform that would ensure the US ECONOMY GET
THE required growth while at the same time reducing the possibility of inequality (Tepper and
Hearn, 2019). The employment level also plays a creating part in economic concentrations. The
concentration will increase competition between the small enterprises and the large enterprises. It
will help improve economies of scale eventually get more funds for research and development
among the small-scale companies. There will be higher profitability but the control by the small
number of firms will eventually mean that other companies do not have an opportunity to grow.
This has led to some form of monopoly in our industry where some other firms cannot enter the

Part B



Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is one of the popular homes to innovative technology companies in the
United States. Silicon Valley is located in San Francisco California. The val...

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