Florida International University Philosophy Descartes Essay

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Florida International University


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1. Explain why Descartes thinks that it is possible for us to doubt things that we normally think are obviously true: the fact that you are now reading this assignment, for example. How would it be possible, according to Descartes, to doubt this?

2. Descartes also thinks that you cannot be mistaken about the content of your beliefs. So, if you say "I believe I am in pain" then, according to Descartes, you cannot be mistaken about beliefs like this. It is called the incorrigibility of the mental. Explain why Descartes think that this incorrigibility of the mental thesis is true. What is Freud's criticism of it?

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1. Explain why Descartes thinks that it is possible for us to doubt things that we
normally think are obviously true: the fact that you are now reading this
assignment, for example. How would it be possible, according to Descartes, to doubt
According to Descartes, it is possible for people to doubt things that they normally
think are obviously true. In his work, he provid...

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