CYB 606 Netsec Monitoring and IR Discussion

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Computer Science

CYB 606




Select ONE of the Options below as your primary topic. To help keep track of replies vs. original postings, your Subject line should start with: Lastname – Option [A, B, or C].

Option A

When detecting intruders how important is it to monitor outbound traffic? Justify your answer.

Option B

If you had to choose (and you can only choose one) between a network-based IDS or a host-based IDS, which would you choose and why? Explain your answer. You can assume this is for a regional company with 1500 employees located in three offices in southern California, and that endpoint anti-malware software is being used. (NOTE - the instructor realizes that a combination of both types may be optimal, but management set the constraints and you are only allowed one or the other.)

Option C

In your own words, explain what is meant by "Intelligence-Driven Incident Response" and its relationship to Network Security Monitoring.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Running head: MIDTERM EXAM


Midterm Exam


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