Correcting pH Following Cardiac Arrest Research Discussions

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Health Medical


The abstracts focus on a topic of research for determining outcomes for trauma, heart attacks (MI) or heart disease. The notion is to search for an appropriate article which seems to address your topic and in on or two paragraph, summarize the main ideas. The next paragraph is your assessment of the article and what yu think about it, did it make sense, is it plausible in practice, would it work?

Three abstracts are required for the course on articles relating to the pulmonary. This exercise is intended to help you become familiar with current questions in medical research and knowledgeable in methods available to inquiry into topics of interest. An article for publication may also be constructed on an ACLS topic to be determined by the class. They will be worth 10 points each. They are to be obtained from either MEDLINE or CINAHL referenced journals dated from 2000 or newer. They should include the authors name, date, article title, journal name, volume, and number (see APA example below). It should be typed, double-spaced and no longer than 2-3 pages in length summarizing the authors intentions and your thoughts on the question. The quiz and study guide questions may help identify a topic suitable for research and a copy of the article is expected.


Chase, R.P. (1993). Effects of glucose bolus in treatment of cerebral

resuscitation in post-cardiac arrest rat specimens. Journal of

Experimental Medicine, 9 (8), p.432 - 434.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Outline for Correcting PH after Cardiac Arrest
Abstract 1
This journal expounds on the post-cardiac arrest syndromes and their clinical
presentations. This journal calls for effective post –CPR care for the patients to correct the pH..
This article's information is important because it brings out the relationship between
cardiac arrest and the chemical balance of the body. This article appears reliable, and its
discussions are clinically correlated.

Abstract 2
This journal seeks to explain the relationship of cardiopulmonary arrest to tissue
metabolic activities. Oxygen supply after resuscitation is too essential for a patient's prognosis.
This journal relates metabolic substrates to the results in the absence of enough oxygen.
In normal conditions, human cells breakdown glucose to provide energy in the form of ATP.
This journal provides reliable information on post-cardiac arrest effects and the importance of
close care, making it a plausible source for young researchers and doctors in practice.
Abstract 3
This journal relates pathophysiology mechanisms of hypoxia and metabolic acidosis after
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The author observes the elevation of nitrotyrosines in the left
ventricle that can be reversed by applying c...

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