Four Policy Elements Essay

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Business Finance


Use the 4 references I attached because should include in the paper and add 6 more for complete the 10 sources required in the paper.

In a research paper, provide researched rationale for the nature and substance of your 4 selected, distinct policies. This paper is to be reflective of an academic research paper. The research paper must address the reasoning and/or rationale for the inclusion of the selected policy elements in a policy manual.

The selected policies must correctly address employment legislation pertinent to the stated size of the company (25-49 employees). In elaborating on the rationale, you may want to consider the following questions: Why should these elements be in a policy manual? What laws or principles mandate an organization follow these guidelines? What cases have established precedent for this issue to be addressed clearly in an organization’s employee policy manual?

Support your rationale with (at minimum) the 10 scholarly sources used in your annotated bibliography in addition to the textbook and the Bible. Remember, government websites and previous/current court cases are useful but will not be included in the scholarly reference requirement.

The paper must be at least 1,750 words, in addition to the cover page, the abstract, and the references page. It must be written in current APA format. Papers submitted with less than the minimum word count will not receive full credit in this area of the grading rubric.

Following are some examples of HR policy topics. These are only examples. You may identify/select other topics that would be relevant and appropriate for a general employee policy manual/handbook.

Dress Code

Technology Use

Code of Conduct



Benefits (This can be more specific to areas such as paid time off, health care benefits, and so forth.)

Training Opportunities/Expectations

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Emerging topics in human resource management With the emerging technologies around automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies, most organizations are focused majorly on creative skills and talents; hence talentbased topics are the emerging research topic when it comes to managing human resources. The four essential topics include ways to attract and maintain top talents, diversity, equitable and inclusive employment strategies, making meaning from employer brand and connection, and ways to which talent is aligned to the business. Attracting and maintaining the best talent Attracting and maintaining top talent has been a continuous topic due to the dynamism experienced in the business environment with the emergence of different technologies. This topic has been influenced by factors like widening skills gap and steady decline in average tenure, and sustainably low-record unemployment globally. Annotated bibliography Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons. Due to the ever-changing business environment globally, it is the burden of the human resource managers to help solve the challenges faced by the different organizations; this includes equipping students with the real-world strategy integrated with the traditional theory perspective, skills, and knowledge required to survive within the dynamic business world. This research paper has clearly and relatedly presented the effectiveness of human resource management and strategic planning to function together. The practical application shows a meaningful working relationship between strategic planning and implementation. The research also gives an insight into how organizations utilize the best human resources management strategies to increase effectiveness. Well-focused use cases, study topics, and strategic concepts help improve the thinkability of strategically integrating major human resource management strategies with decision-making processes. In considering the on-creativity management strategy, the journal emphasizes attracting and maintaining the best skills by the HR management to help drive the organization forward. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion With significant companies being put on the radar to change their compensation, hiring, and promotion of employees to be more inclusive and equitable considering the diverse races, opinions, and policies. Annotated bibliography Gill, G. K., McNally, M. J., & Berman, V. (2018, September). Effective diversity, equity, and inclusion practices. In Healthcare management forum (Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 196-199). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. There is an increasing understanding of the relationship between service providers and working environment visa vi client satisfaction with much consideration on organizational performance. The article covers much of the strategic improvement of the healthcare service providers working conditions through the people empathetic for people movement. The best three effective practices associated with the organization Diversity Equity and Inclusion strategy have been presented in this article by considering experiences. The supposed diversity is based on changes in population due to religion, ethnicity, race, immigration status, income, gender, literacy level, sexual orientation and identity, income, social, economic status, disability, and educational background. The divergence experiences are able to post challenges in service provision to patients, their experiences, and working environments, an opportunity for a positive transformation is also presented. A successful adaptation is based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with more consideration on diversity to create an inclusive team and environments for positive service providers' experience and engagement. Employer Brand and Connection to Meaning With the emergence of social technologies like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, the communication path between employers and those seeking employment has been reduced. However, this has no impact on consumers being driven primarily by product value, which has changed the focus towards building a consumer experience via selling the brand. Annotated bibliography Urbancová, H., & Hudáková, M. (2017). Benefits of employer brand and the supporting trends. Economics & Sociology, 10(4), 41-50. Lack of qualified staff and the struggle to retain the most significant employees are brain-busting issues within different organizations' management levels. Human resource marketing has proven influential in solving these issues. In human resource marketing, the human resources officer is amongst the marketers who work on the clock to maintain the organization's name and brand, which then sells the organization qualities that can persuade the most talented employees. The paper aims to determine and evaluate the primary significance brought by employer identification and branding and explain the effective principles to strengthen. From this text, it is apparent that employer identification and branding is an essential factor associated with every economic sector. Organizations can improve brand names by primarily investing on their employees' well-being who are performing best and retaining the most valuable plus the most knowledgeable employees. This article's primary content is based on emerging strategies in maintaining an employer's brand to attract highly knowledgeable employees. Aligning Talent and Business The current trend in human resources is primarily maximizing employees' value, which is the opposite of the previous focus, which was focused on compliance and reduced liability for the organization—aligning talent and business shifts the focus from just a service delivery process within the organization to ability to drive business outputs. The process takes intention, effort, and willingness to implement effectively. Annotated bibliography Theys, N. A., & Schultz, C. M. (2020). A qualitative perspective of Talent Management. Journal of Contemporary Management, 17(1), 64-85. To manage talent a deep investigation is required to effectively help the management put in place the talent management strategies effectively. The primary purpose of this article is to explore talent management based on a qualitative perspective. Qualitative content analysis has been used to analyze the conducted email interviews and transcripts collected during the study. The identified talent management strategies consisted of the geographical isolation of some operational areas; comprehensively involving stakeholders in the implementation process; alignment with organizational strategy integrating both inclusive and exclusive talent management strategies; creating less or scarce ideas and a pool of talents; designating employee skills to meet employment policy targets; lack of career advancement opportunities; isolated emphasis on recruitment and selection; poor alignment of learning development to competency and skills needs; and low staff turnover and mobility. The significance of these findings is that talent management can be useful if successfully implemented within the organization. This research has proposed three strategic pillars necessary for managing talent.
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Workplace Policies Research Rationale

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Every company should develop their policy manual that should detail every issue and situation
that may arise and solve the emergence. The policies handbook can be changed or added to an
unsatisfactory solution, or a new issue arises. The policy manual is acceptable by law as it governs
the company's operations. Considerations are made to the four policy elements: antidiscrimination
and harassment policy, confidentiality policy, code of conduct, and the health and safety policy.
These elements work to be the significant elements of policies as they cover a large area in the
workplaces and are the most probable elements not to be followed if the policies are not set.
Researches have been done severally on workplaces' policies as it has been seen to be an essential
field for a company's performance foundation.


In an organization, there should be a policy manual handbook that considers all the
company's requirements and for the employees. These policies should be in line with the laws and
principles set as standards for running organizations that hire people to work with as staff. These
policies are set to solve issues that may arise or have has happened before not to reappear. They
protect the company's interests or the rights of the employees in the company. The policy handbook
is set by the company considering all factors from the legislation and laws and depending on the
court rulings from similar situations. In this research rationale, we shall consider the following
policy topics: antidiscrimination and harassment policy, code of conduct, the recruitment policy
and health and safety policy from research papers to have a better understanding of the policy
manual making.
Policies handbook is a handy tool for the human resource department in every company as
they find it with ease to deal with the employees and in turn employees feel the same. The policy
manuals are meant to bring together the employees and the management for the right workplace
environment. These policies should sink into the employees' minds before introduction to work as
it creates the foundation for the operations and the available issues that may arise from the
occupation. From the policies, the employees should decide whether they can take the job under
the directives in place.
Antidiscrimination and harassment policy
These policies are always targeting to ban harassment and discrimination in the
workplaces. The employees being protected are from their differences in several factors such as
race, religion, age, gender, ethnic competencies, educational competencies and socio-economic


backgrounds. These are mostly the grounds that employers tend to be choosy on the employees to
be hired. They arise from irrelevant reasoning to deny a certain group the specific opportunity to
work. It is mostly necessary for any organization to set the policies that will defend their
employees' rights and make sure they are in line with the company's goals at large.
The organizational structure should enforce and be the first liner to follow and keep the
pace for the policies' wellness. These organization's policies should be well stretched to ensure
they give the rules and repercussions of rules and regulations set breaking in the company. This
policy is set to work uniformly for all the employees worldwide applying to the company and its
subsidiaries for all workplaces and related settings such as business trips and work-sponsored
social activities (Borzaga et al., 2019). These policies include the contents delivered through
messages, phone calls, fax and mails and, and
Through the set policy handbook, there should not be acceptance or toleration of the
harassment by anyone related to the company, be it the contractors, fellow employees, suppliers,
visitors, shareholders, funders and vendors. The harassment can be in these three ways: bullying
and mobbing, psychological violence and harassment and cyberbullying (Ferris et al., 2018). These
acts of harassment affect the performance of the employees and organizations. The company
should have the grounds to deal with such situations of harassment. The employees should know
how they should use to address their issues to the management to ensure that their rights are
protected, and the policies are followed to the letter.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has the federal levels'
responsibilities that they enforce the laws on making discrimination and harassment in an
organization illegal and the federal laws differ depending on the states. If these are not addressed,
the organization can face a lawsuit that is always expensive and time-consuming. Harassment and


discrimination may differ in understanding the various employees where the management should
install a policy to protect any situation that could inconvenience.
There are several Acts in the federal laws in the equity, and an organization should ensure
their awareness of the laws. The acts are Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Pregnancy
Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act of 1963, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and
the state workers compensation laws.
The policy raises awareness to the company's employees. It has the confidence to face the
issues with courage and have a way to address the situation with the relevant authority or the
management. For example, in a case where a female is denied an opportunity du...

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