Does the Divorce of Parents Harm Their Children? , psychology homework help

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1.To achieve an “S”, spelling, grammar, and organization must be good. In addition, the content of the paper should follow these guidelines.

a.The paper must be at least 3 complete, double-spaced pages and stapled at the top. A cover sheet should be attached that includes reaction paper title, your name, name of course, and time of course. Pages of the paper should be numbered.

b.The first page should review the Yes side of the issue as presented by the author from the PDF I sent you. The second page should review the No side as presented by the other author issue as presented by the author from. The third page (and fourth if you choose) is your response to the topic--”Yes” or “No”--including how your response was influenced by the two authors’ arguments.

Please you do not need to use outside of soures , only one soures that I uploaded here for yes and no side

This is the topic Does the Divorce of Parents Harm Their Children?

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