DeVry University R Programming and The Shinydashboard Package Coding

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DeVry University


8.2The Shinydashboard Package

Creating Code

Building on the Shiny application techniques of the from your earlier readings, you will create a dashboard application using the shinydashboard package. Data generated from the uniform probability and normal probability distributions will be used to generate our data sets. The graphs of our dashboard applications will present more detailed information about our data including summary statistics such as the mean, median, and standard deviation.

To prepare for your assignment you will need to practice by recreating code contained in your readings. Develop the R code for the "Suggested project: Relocate the slider" found in this module's readings. Paste your R code and your output into a document. Submit your results for this assignment.

8.3Interacting with Graphics

Creating Codes

In the previous shinydashboard application you used a slider bar and tabs to change the appearance of your plotted output. The user is interacting with the components, such as slider bars and tabs, to produce a change in the plotted graph.

In this application, the user will interact directly with the points on the plotted graph to modify the output of the application. Now the plotted graph itself becomes interactive.

For this assignment, develop the R code for the "Suggested project: Experiment with airquality" found in this week's readings. This project is located in the Interacting with Graphics section. Paste your R code and your output into a document. Submit your results for this assignment.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

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Hey,Please find both the Dashboard files attached. The word document has the code and the screensho...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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