The Argument Evaluation essay should be 750-1,000 words (3-4 pages). It will be focused on identifying and evaluating an argument within a passage of your choosing from one of our assigned texts (the Republic, the Apology, or the Nicomachean Ethics). This essay must have an introduction paragraph, at least 2 body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. This essay MUST use quotations from the text you choose, integrate those quotations into your sentences, and then cite those quotations and any use of the text in either Chicago Turabian or MLA format (see writing resources). No other sources (like SparkNotes or Wikipedia) may be consulted for this essay other than the Republic, the Apology, or the Nicomachean Ethics. If you consult a source and do not cite it that is plagiarism and it will be reported to the Dean.
Identifying an argument consists of:
A) The identification of the main thesis or claim for which the author is arguing
B) The identification of the reasoning used to support that claim. How does Plato or Aristotle support the argument he is making? What reasons does he give? What is his logical reasoning for asserting his claim and thinking it is true? What is his argument?
C)The identification of potential objections the author raises about how someone could criticize their argument.
D)You commenting on the strength or weakness of the argument. What is convincing about the argument? What is unconvincing about the argument? Raise new potential objections against Plato or Aristotle's argument and then try to rebut your own objection in the way you think Plato or Aristotle would? This part is meant to make you consider more deeply the strength and weaknesses of the argument and other ideas and concepts that still need to be more deeply explored.
A successful Argument Evaluation Essay will:
1) Have a clear question or statement thesis in the Introduction. (Thesis --> Articulate a critical question about the argument you choose or make a statement thesis by making a claim about the argument you choose --> My recommendation is that you choose a critical question, but do as you like.)
2) Have clear roadmap of the essay in the Introduction
3) Clearly articulate and identify a claim or thesis from the Republic, the Apology, or the Nicomachean Ethics using cited quotations integrated into your sentences.
4) Give a clear account of the reasoning, (the step by stop logical thinking and explanation) Plato or Aristotle uses to make and support his argument and why he thinks his claim is true. This should be done using cited quotations integrated into your sentences.
5) Give at least two objections to Plato or Aristotle's argument and/or logical reasoning used to support that argument. One of the two objection may be an objection that Plato or Aristotle himself addresses. At least one of the objections must be your own. Use the text and your own reasoning to think through objections. Avoid using personal anecdotes.
6) Give a potential rebuttal to each of the two objections you raised. Then say whether you think the rebuttals or the objections are more convincing
7) Address your thesis whether it is a question or statement throughout the essay and in the conclusion. Think through and comment on the argument as you explain it. Describe what question you have as you explain what the argument is.
8) Have a conclusion that both sums up your essay and yet is still greater than your essay. The conclusion is where you make sure to tell your audience what is at stake in your paper and why reading it should matter to anyone who wants to move closer to truth or to live well.
9) Meet the word count, be grammatically correct, well formatted, and easy to understan
Book to use:
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, translated by Roger Crisp, Cambridge University Press 2014, ISBN 9781107612235.
Plato, A Plato Reader: Eight Essential Dialogues. edited by C. D. C. Reeve, Hackett2012, ISBN 9781603848114.

Explanation & Answer

Hello🙋 I've attached the final copy of your paper down below. Please check it out then get back to me in case you'll need any changes made, I'll be here to assist.Thank you!🙏
Thesis statement: This paper seeks to provide an aggressive approach to Aristotle's Nicomachean
Ethics notation and potential objections. With the diverse meanings of what is right, human
beings must understand what action is disposable through deliberate choice. It is only through
volunteer’s approach that a person can choose what satisfies them. In this context, the action lies
within the virtue phenomenon and does not violate societal norms.
The Nicomachean Ethics
Aristotle's reasoning to support the claim
Running head: PHILOSOPHY
Human beings strive to attain happiness through the application of virtues in their daily
activities. The entire idea of happiness lies in the implementation of the best practice that will
satisfy human desire. Aristotle's idea of happiness stems from the essential elements of human
nature: health, knowledge and wealth, and how they enrich one's life. In this use, Aristotle argues
that human beings should make difficult choices to determine the ultimate good. However,...