Ocean City Bans the Sale of Alcohol Discussion

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Ocean City bans the sale of alcohol, but some restaurants are serving it by creating “clubs” and charging fees. Some people claim they are violating the law; others say it’s legal and a good thing.

----write an editorial taking a position for or against the dining clubs. Whatever you think, you need to cite facts from the story to back up your position. This does not need to be inverted pyramid style with the most important facts first. This can be written more like an essay but using journalistic and AP style (short paragraphs, to the point).------

We also discussed techniques for persuasive writing. I sent the list around in an email earlier today. You need to practice at least two of those techniques as you write the editorial to convince us of your position. The editorial will run between 400 and 450 words.


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Repetition Give reasons why your argument is right Social proof (give guidance or tell what experts say) Comparisons including metaphors, similes and analogies Agitate, stir up, say why things are bad … then solve the problem Address opposing arguments or counterpoints
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The ban on Bring Your Own Bottle (BYOB) in Ocean City has no impact on private dinner
clubs. This dining model allows diners to bring their own bottle of wine or beer to go along with
their meal. The town outlawed BYOB in 2012. The current issue pertains to the increased
number of diner clubs in Ocean City. Essentially the clubs are private establishments where the
police have no jurisdiction ...

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