Disease Prevention, history homework help

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In health care, we refer to prevention as avoiding or lessening the effects of disease. In other words, prevention is an effort to prevent or control disease. Disease prevention is an essential element of managed care. However, according to experts, "less than 2% of the nation's expenditure on health care is spent on population-based prevention."

What is the value of disease prevention: why bother? Conduct some additional research on disease prevention. Please be specific in your post by using concrete examples or measures to support your thoughts. Specifically address your views of "why bother" with disease prevention and respond to a fellow classmate with an opposing view, than your own.

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Explanation & Answer


Disease Prevention. Why Bother?
While it is difficult to quantify the value of a proactive approach in dealing with diseases,
disease prevention is certainly advantageous on both the national and personal levels. An apple a
day keeps the doctor away as they say. Prevention of diseases goes a long way towards the
alleviation of the burden of disease as large number of diseases that are particularly rampant in
the West are preventable. First and foremost when discussing the burden of disease is the effect
on the individual. From the suffering endured to loss of funds in deal...

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