CHM 1100C Rasmussen College LeChatiler Principle Lab Report

User Generated



CHM 1100C

Rasmussen University



Module 05 Lab 03 - Equilibrium Simulation

Instructions for Virtual Lab: Record all observations and take screenshots of your work.

Go to lab page:

  1. LeChatiler’s Principle
    1. Chemical Equilibrium Lab and Concept Test (take screen shots of answers)
  2. Common Ion Effect
    1. Solubility and Common Ion Effect (take screen shots of answers)
  3. 3 lab questions
    1. Based on the colors of the reactants and products, which do you think is in a higher concentration in the flask of 0.1M cobalt chloride?
    2. Describe what happens when you add concentrated HCl to the flask of cobalt chloride. Did you add a product or reactant when you added the HCl?
    3. Describe what happens when you add silver nitrate to the blue cobalt chloride solution. What does adding the silver nitrate do to the reaction?

Click on the words "Cobalt Lab" (on the right side just above Workbench 1), which will further explain the lab problem within this assignment.

The lab will center on:

  • Predicting the effect of removing Chloride Ions
  • Predicting the effect of adding HCl
  • Determining if the reaction is endothermic or exothermic
  • Determining the new K value at the new temperature
  • Common Ion Effect (test does not have to be taken)
  • Answering the 3 lab questions

Submit a zip file of all screenshots and answers for this lab activity.

For assistance taking a screenshot, refer to the following guide.

For assistance zipping files together, refer to the following guide.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

1. LeChatiler’s Principle:

Change in equilibrium color on adding HCl slowly (In next 2 steps)

Effect of adding 𝑨𝒈𝑵𝑶𝟑 :

Effect of adding HCl slowly (In next 2 steps):

Equilibrium at 𝟓°𝑪:


= 0.000192 = 1.92 ∗ 10−4

Equilibrium at 40°𝑪


= 0.017217 = 1.72 ∗ 10−2

As Le Chatelier's principle implies that the addition of heat to a reaction will favor the
endothermic direction of a reaction, so the forward reaction given is endothermic.

2. Common Ion Effect

3. 3 lab questions
1. Based on ...

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