Effects of Currency Appreciation on Trade Imbalances, economics homework help

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Answer these questions. No Plagiarize. Short answer is better.

Stiglitz, “America has little to teach China about a steady economy”

1. Talks of a currency appreciation center on the trade imbalances that the U.S. experiences with China. What effect will this appreciation have on the imbalances?

2. What can help alleviate (or at least keep it from going up) U.S. trade imbalances?

3. How can an elimination of China’s trade surplus harm the U.S.?

4. What are some stated reasons for why America has little to teach China?

Perry, “Why We should thank the Chinese Currency Manipulators” http://www.aei.org/publication/why-we-should-thank...

1. What is Perry’s understanding of the consensus of China’s currency manipulation?

2. How does Perry reason that China’s currency manipulation is a good thing?

3. Who would be helped/hurt if China was forced to revalue its currency?

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Explanation & Answer


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30 November 2016
Effects of Currency Appreciation on Trade Imbalances.
According to Stiglitz, the appreciation of the renminbi has a negligible effect on the foreign
markets, although there existed a few changes on the Yen. These changes can be attributed to the
speculations of change. The cause of the global imbalances is the huge trade deficits in the US.
Solution to US global imbalances.
Stiglitz suggests that for the US to overcome or manage the imbalances, it is inevitable for the
government to open up trade with China as it is “win-win” situation for both countries.
How Can the Elimination of China’s Trade Surplus Affect the US?
First, t...

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