CMU Impact of Workers Experience and Working Hours on Performance Dissertation

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Business Finance

Central Michigan University


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This work must be 8 pages (2200) and not less. It must use APA referencing system. This is a dissertation and ought to follow all the rules of a dissertation. The topic is as follows: Do workers performance depend on their hours of work and their experiences? 1. Introduction • You should give the background of the research • Objectives of the research • Justification of the research • Problem statement 2. Literature review • Empirical synthesis of the existing literature 3. Methodology • In this section, you must discuss about the data collection methods • Sampling • Sample size • Participants and any other section included in the methodology (however, you need to note this; I have designed a questionnaire which I will attach here. You MUST base the methodology on the designed questionnaire and guess data to fit for the analysis. This questionnaire you will claim that is was administered to workers of the BANCO CONTINENTAL BANK IN PARAGUAY). The client is from Paraguay so must base this whole work in Paraguay. The sample size must be 20 participants only. Check the questionnaire. 4. Data analysis The data analysis should focus on responding to the given objectives and research question. You must use regression in the analysis, by either excel or spss. All graphs and charts must be copy pasted in the work. 5. Discussion Here you must analytically discuss the findings of the analysis verses the existing literature. 6. Conclusion Here make a succinct conclusion which makes it easy to make a conclusion on the research question. After the dissertation, you must create a power point, for presentation on the same. It must focus on the main aspects of the dissertation. I. Do workers performance depend on their hours of work and their experiences? II. Questionnaire design Section A Demographic data 1. 2. 3. what is your age? Are you working? What is your nationality? Gender 1=male 2=female Information of the dependent variable (work performance) Dependent variable Y. work performance On a scale of 1-10, how has your company rated your work performance? 4. Section B 5. Section C 6. 7. 8. 9. A. 1 to 3 B. 4 to 6 C. 7 to 8 D. 9 to 10 Information of independent variables X1: hours of work X2: Experience X1: How many hours do you work per week? X2: How many years have you been working in your current company? X2: Have you ever worked in another company? (yes or no) If yes, for how many years? Omitted variables (health status, level of education, Tick/insert response Indicate in years Yes Indicate Tick/insert response 1 2 No Indicate indicate Indicate Yes Indicate years No motivation indicators, etc).
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2200 Words
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Hi, Here is the final paper, feel free to ask for any revision.Thank you


The Impact of Workers Experience and Working Hours on Their Performance
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Employees play a vital role in Organization overall growth and its daily operations. The
employees make it possible for the business to achieve its objectives as they work toward the
Organization's vision and mission. The Human Resource department is responsible for
employee's recruitment, aligning their abilities to the Organization's goals. It also assesses the
performance of every employee while instilling the organization culture. The rise of
entrepreneurship on the both domestic and global level has transformed the economic as the
organizations strive to provide quality products and services. This quest has forced the
Organization to focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of its production. As the backbone of
the effectiveness and efficiency employee is required to be experienced on work assigned.
Experience is acquired through having knowledge in a specific line of production. The
specialization for a long time makes a person more efficiency in that field (Pencavel, 2015).
The number of hours employees are supposed to work been set globally set to 8 hours per day,
five days a week (40 hours) (Angrave and Charlwood 2016). However, other countries surpass
this standard, such as Japan. Some organizations also require their employees to work more than
12 hours a day and six days a week. The organizations are required to produce in high volumes,
which led to operating around the clock to satisfy their customers demand. The long hours and
workforce increase have made the Organization maintain its market satisfaction and yield high
profits. Entrepreneurship advancement has also led to increased competition in industries based
on quality and timely-production. Thus increasing the demand for experienced and long-working
hours for workers in firms. The majority of the organizations' Human resources department is


now adapting the overtime working cult...

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